  • 學位論文


The Performance of Taiwan Steel Industry-Appliance of Data Envelopment Analysis

指導教授 : 方顯光
共同指導教授 : 吳克(Prof. Ko Wu)


台灣鋼鐵業在國內經濟發展過程中,一直扮演著舉足輕重的角色,其經營積效的好壞與國家經濟的穩定成長,亦存在著密不可分的關係。然而,在進入二十一世紀以後,國內外環境對鋼鐵業的發展極其艱困,外在環境除全球景氣低迷外,亞太地區發生金融風暴,各國貨幣速貶值,造成內需建設嚴重縮水,國內也在台幣貶值、營建景氣低迷下,經濟成長率一再向下修正,各行各業也出現蕭條景況,鋼鐵價格也因外來的競爭壓力下不得已需不斷的降價,導致獲利越來越低。本研究採用資料包絡分析 (Data Envelopment Analysis; DEA),來衡量台灣地區鋼鐵業的經營效率,研究期間為2011年至2012年。並藉由各效率差異之分析,瞭解鋼鐵業應改善之幅度及方向,以作為提供本國鋼鐵業未來經營方向及提升效率之參考依據。 本論文研究結果,除了營業成本、固定資產、營業費用外,影響台灣鋼鐵產業能否獲利的因素尚有許多,如國際鋼鐵報價波動、政府貨貿條款的保護措施是否完善等,都影響台灣鋼鐵業甚鉅。本論文建議,台灣鋼鐵業除了需不斷的強化本身的競爭力外,也可以善加利用現有的地理優勢考慮與鄰近國家鋼鐵廠聯盟,形成亞洲強大聯合的大型鋼鐵聯盟,如此可讓台灣鋼鐵業可與鄰近國家鋼鐵廠有共同進步和永續發展的機會。


The steel industry in Taiwan has always played a big role in the development of the economy. The rise and the fall of the industry have a close tie to the whole of nation’s economy development. But, entering the 21th Century the future of the steel industry faces a critical challenge nationally and abroad. After the fall of the Asia economy crisis, the world wide currency depreciated rapidly, making the demand in the construction business shrink dramatically. Taiwan was also a victim of the crisis. We also faces the problem of currency depreciation and the down turn in the construction business, making the overall economy growth estimates kept going down, many industries faces the same problems. As of the consequences, the steel price was forced to discount lower due to the competition from overseas, making the profitability of the steel industry shrink dramatically. This research uses DEA, Data development Analysis to show the performance of the Steel Industry in Taiwan . This research uses the data from 2011 to 2012, using various data comparison and system analysis gives a picture of how the future of the steel industry could improve and upgrade. The results of this paper, in addition to operating costs, fixed assets, operating expenses, factors affecting the profitability of the steel industry in Taiwan there are many, such as the International Iron and Steel quote fluctuations, government provision of goods and trade protection measures are perfect, have affected Taiwan iron and steel industry is very huge. This paper suggests that Taiwan's steel industry in addition to the constant need to strengthen their competitiveness, but also can make the best use of the existing steel plant geographical advantages to consider alliances with neighboring countries to form a large coalition of Asian steel strong union, and so allow the steel industry in Taiwan may have common progress and opportunities for sustainable development with neighboring countries steel mills.


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(2) 王艶輝、郭亞軍、王麗,「上市公司短期信貸資金使用效率的 DEA 分析」,中國經濟評論,第四卷第四期,100-109頁,民國93年。
(3) 李佰鴻,「台灣鋼鐵業之競爭策略-以中鋼為例」,中山大學,企業管理系碩士論文,民國96年。
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