  • 學位論文

由電子商務商業生態系統 看台灣第三方支付產業的競合策略

The Competition and Cooperation of the Third Party Payment Industry in Taiwan: From the Viewpoint of E-Commerce Ecosystem

指導教授 : 李存修


隨著電子商務與行動裝置的蓬勃發展,網路消費已成為一種消費趨勢,然而在網路交易的過程中,不像實體交易具有立即性或是安全性,其不確定性仍高,所以建構安全網路環境、提供一個兼具安全與便利性的支付服務,是消費者所期待,也是商家所樂見的,因此,第三方支付服務逐漸興起。由於第三方支付服務涉及了金融管制、消費者保護以及資訊安全等多項議題,因此歐美與中國等國皆發展出針對第三方支付服務的相關法律規範,而台灣相關法規之規範方面,為了回應產業及消費者的需求考量下,行政院於2014年9月提出---電子支付機構管理條例草案,將開放業者可經營代收代付、儲值、匯兌三種業務。 本研究藉由質性的個案法來探討中國阿里巴巴支付寶成功發展的原因,以及透過個案蒐集內容來了解台灣三家第三方支付業者---歐付寶、PChome和玉山銀行的實際運作模式,探討台灣與大陸發展環境、法規及商業模式之差異,並加上商業生態系統架構進行分析整理,最後與中國和台灣線上支付現況與趨勢加以整合,希望借鏡中國支付寶成功發展之龐大商業生態系統經驗,對台灣政府立法與第三方支付業者營運提出可行建議,並探究台灣第三方支付服務未來發展之競爭策略及機會。


With the rapid development of e-commerce and mobile devices, the Internet has become a consumer trend of consumption. However, in the process of online transactions is unlike entity transactions that is immediate and secure. Due to the uncertainty of online transactions is still high, so the construction of a secure network environment, providing both security and convenience of a payment service that consumers expect, but also welcomed by businesses. Therefore, the third-party payment service is developing gradually. Because third-party payment services related to financial regulation, consumer protection and information security and many other issues, so Europe and China and other countries are developing a third-party payment services for the relevant laws and regulations. In response to industry and consumer demand, Taiwan executive branch proposed Electronic Payment Institutions Bill in September 2014 that will open the third party payment to operate collection and payment, store value and exchange services. The research will explore the reasons for Alipay successful development by qualitative case study and understand Allpay, PChome and Esunbank in Taiwan through the cases contents. In addition, the research will investigate the environmental, regulatory and business model’s difference between Taiwan and China through business ecosystem . Finally, it will integrate China and Taiwan online payment status and trends and offers some practical suggestions and competitive strategies for Taiwan government and the third party payment in the future from Allpay successful business ecosystem experience.


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