  • 學位論文


The study of Building Information Modeling technology enhance the value of electromechanical industry value chain

指導教授 : 黃崇興


機電產業在整個建築物生命周期裡屬於中後階段的配合作業,常常面臨因設計段未充分整合以及開工前之前置作業時間之不足與缺乏整合之緣故,導致施工工期與品質都受到影響。再者,建築工程有其特殊性的發包模式與施工專業的差異,想要有系統的整合相關專精的工程領域人才實務上不是一件容易的事情。所以實務上專業之間彼此分工是清晰的,但是合作模式卻是模糊的問題屢見不鮮。這樣的困境卻是屢屢困擾著機電產業而難以有具體之因應措施。 面對這樣的困境,西方國家逐漸採用建築資訊模型系統(BIM)之運用來因應之,BIM的運用除了可提供一溝通平臺作為整合的工具外,還可以協助所有專案團隊在施工前做規劃設計上的問題探討,以及後續施工階段、營建管理與營運建築物所需的完整數位資訊。BIM的建置與導入,成功的降低施工上衝突碰撞、成本的管控與時程品質上的有效控制。故本研究認為,BIM可以協助機電產業作為提升競爭優勢的一項利器與因應之道,也是值得我們去探究與深思的策略性作為。 故本研究認為,機電產業採用BIM可以達到幾點優勢作為:1. 透過系統碰撞衝突檢查功能,提早發現問題解決問題,加快工期維持品質;2.面對客變需求,可以縮短變更作業所需的時間與錯誤;3.可透過3D視覺化的內容與客戶討論確認,降低因認知不同而產生的爭議;4.透過BIM-4D可確保施工的合理性與安全性,可大量少施工中所可能遭遇的問題;5.BIM系統的資料庫可發展成建築設施管理系統,作為建築物在設備或是設施的維護保養之參考。 最後,儘管機電產業在現行的產業環境中想要發展BIM實屬不易,然可透過BIM的發展程度(LOD)來重新定義與發展歷程,除可力求每個階段的完整度呈現外,也可做為策略規劃上的參考依據。 關鍵詞:建築資訊模型;機電產業價值鏈;價值提升


Electro-Mechanical Industry is normally processed in relatively mid-late building construction life cycle. Lacking integration at early design stage and short lead time eventually bring negative effect to construction duration and quality. The unique contract out model and differential professional construction of Architectural Engineering, as a result, it make things difficult to systematically integrate engineering relevant expert’s opinions. Division of specialized engineering is obvious on practical application; on the other hand, obscure cooperation model often exists in-between different engineering. Electro-Mechanical Industry is facing same predicament repeatedly and struggling on finding the perfect solution. Facing with this dilemma, the Western countries gradually adopt Building Information Modeling system (BIM) to cope with the issue. BIM not only offer a communication platform as an integrating tool, but also assist project teams on concept planning prior to construction. Even more, deliver complete necessary digital information for subsequent construction phases, construction management and building operation. Deploying and adopting BIM successfully minimize conflict of the construction, at the same time have effective cost control and schedule control. This study supports that BIM can be advantage and a solution answers to Electro-Mechanical Industry’s need of enhance competitiveness. It’s also a strategic action that deserves our further investigation and study. Thus this study assumes that advantages of Electro-Mechanical Industry’s adopting BIM are : 1. With help of conflict checking, conflictions could be revealed and solved beforehand; at the same time, accelerate construction schedule with sustainable quality. 2. Having shorter reaction time and minimized mistakes to customers’ request change. 3. Reduce disputes caused by different cognitive by using 3D visual content during discussion with customers. 4. By using BIM-4D to ensure rationality and safety of construction, thus reduce a lot problems encountered in construction. 5. BIM system database can be integrated as subsequent use in Construct Building Facility Management System, and become the reference book to device or facility maintenance of buildings. Considering current industry circumstance, it is not easy to deploy BIM to Electro-Mechanical Industry by oneself. Taking advantage of advancement and optimization of BIM LOD, industry could strive to present complete look of each stage, also make it the reference to strategically planning Key words:Building Information Modeling; Electro Mechanical Industry Value Chain; Promote Value.




