  • 學位論文


Capacity analysis of cycling-used Lithium iron phosphate battery

指導教授 : 李坤彥


在能源危機以及全球暖化等威脅下,較環保的再生能源地位日漸提升,其中磷酸鋰鐵(LiFePO4)電池相關產業蓬勃發展,磷酸鋰鐵電池具有高功率、高容量、循環壽命長、高安全性等優點,廣泛運用於電動巴士、電動車、油電混合車、電動摩托車、電動自行車等以及太陽能電池之儲能裝置;然而電池的特性表現會隨著使用次數下滑,為了探討使用次數對電池老化的影響,本論文委請昇陽國際半導體公司利用自動化充放電機讓電池進行連續循環充放電,並將實驗數據保存。 由於不同狀況的電池之電量曲線變化不盡相同,本論文針對不同狀況之電池電量曲線採用不同的曲線擬合方式,期望能透過參數化的結果更加準確地預測電池實際電量,並將電量實際曲線以及曲線擬合之結果加以分析討論,盡可能地找出電池電量與使用次數之間的變化關係。


Human economic activities have been deeply impacted by oil crisis and global warming. Under such circumstances, industries related to Lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) battery have prospered greatly recently. LiFePO4 batteries have properties such as higher power, higher capacity, longer life-time and safer than other batteries. They are also widely used in electric buses, electric cars, hybrid electric cars, electric bicycles and energy storage devices. However, battery performance decreases with increasing cycle of usage. In order to investigate the relationship between cycle of usage and aging of battery, this thesis entrusts Phoenix Silicon International Corporation to discharge and charge the batteries cyclically by using battery automation test systems, and have the data saved simultaneously. Since the battery capacity curve varies with different conditions of battery, this thesis will adopt different kinds of curve fitting according to the conditions of the battery. We expect to accurately predict the battery capacity with the parameterized results, and also analyze the difference between experimental curve and fitted curve. In conclusion, this thesis will show the relationship between battery capacity and cycle of usage.


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