  • 學位論文


ODM Business Model Transformation Research—A Case Study of S company.

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥


台灣的科技業ODM/OEM代工模式世界馳名,可說是全世界價值創新的重要幕後推手;從桌上型電腦、筆記型電腦、智慧型手機、輕省型電腦到平板電腦,台灣科技業代工廠都在整個價值創新當中扮演了十分重要的角色,甚至有許多研發成果領先世界,也使得台灣幾家代工大廠能夠在競爭激烈的惡劣環境下生存。然而,代工產業是一個勞力密集的產業,在中國大陸成為世界工廠,以及雲端、手機和平板產業的典範轉移之下,電腦、筆記型電腦代工的利潤以及單位售價逐年下降,劇烈的影響了代工廠商的獲利空間。 個案公司由自有品牌的個人電腦立足世界,在這樣的典範轉移過程當中,面臨獲利以及銷售額大幅下降的壓力。因此引入了筆記型電腦代工的生意模式,並且獲致相當的成功。受到Apple iPad平板電腦的啟發,個案公司利用原有的產業鏈進入了平板代工的行列。然而,因為平板電腦極有可能較為靠攏大陸產業鏈熟悉的手機產業,於是,轉向平板電腦解決方案商的變革勢在必行。轉向解決方案提供商的變革過程當中,由於各個變革步驟大致執行成效良好,最後也得到了不錯的成績。但是在這個過程當中,仍舊有許多可以改善的空間。 本研究利用個案分析法,探討個案公司在變革的幾個步驟當中所發生的挑戰及其因應策略,以及對應變革當中,中小型科技業代工廠可以特別注意的幾個重點。此經營模式的轉變,讓個案公司得以持續成長,擺脫平板電腦代工市場競爭激烈且成長不易的困境。


Taiwanese ODM is famous in hi-tech industry; they are important drivers in industry innovation from PC, Notebook, Smartphone, Netbook and Tablet. Some of the technologies developed are even leading the world. Making them survive in a highly competitive industry. However, ODM business is labor-intense. While China become world factory, cloud, smartphone and tablet industry pattern transforming, ODM profit and average selling price getting irrelevant. This trend making ODM business model an unprofitable one. Case company is a world famous PC maker. It’s profit margin and sales revenue having strong pressure while the industry change. To overcome this challenge, it has brought ODM business in and has obvious success. Inspired by Apple iPad, it also starts tablet ODM. However, tablet industry supply chain is highly possibly closer to smartphone industry. It has to change its business model again to a solution provider. Because of 8 change steps were done quite successful, it gets a pretty good result. However, there are a lot more to improve while leading the change. This thesis using case study to learn challenges while case company changing and it’s strategies to overcome them. The business model transformation has leading case company continuous growth and maintained decent profit margin.


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