  • 學位論文


Wage Differentials between Temporary and Permanent Workers in Taiwan

指導教授 : 辛炳隆


本論文主要探討典型與非典型工作者之薪資差異;再者,探討典型與非典型工作者之薪資差異是否會產生景氣效應,即典型與非典型工作者之薪資差異是否會受到國內景氣之影響而有所擴大或縮小。除了上述之研究目的外,本論文亦針對典型與非典型工作者薪資差異之估計方法進行改善,主要以「內生轉換迴歸模型」與「Oaxaca薪資分解法」探討典型與非典型之薪資差異。經實證研究發現:(1) 典型與非典型工作者其薪資估計式具有結構上之差異,即雙元勞動市場之情形。(2) 教育程度較高、職業別為專業職、配偶為典型工作者、育有子女數越少者,其較傾向選擇從事典型工作。(3) 教育程度、現職年資、潛在年資越高,典型工作者所獲得之薪資報酬皆相對高於非典型工作者。(4) 典型與非典型工作者之薪資差異主要是來自於稟賦不同所造成,而非彈性剝削所造成。(5) 典型與非典型工作者之薪資差異會隨景氣而有所不同,景氣好時,薪資差異呈現縮小之情形;景氣不好時,薪資差異將產生擴大情形。


This study mainly explored the wage differentials between typical (permanent) and atypical (temporary) workers. It further examined the effects of prosperity on such differentials, i.e., whether such differentials would expand or shrink in accordance with domestic prosperity. In addition, this study also made improvements on methods that estimate the wage differentials between typical and atypical workers, especially on the "endogenous switching model" and the "Oaxaca decomposition method". The results from empirical study showed: (1) There’s architectural difference of the wage estimation between the permanent and temporary workers, and this indicates the dual labor market.(2) Workers with higher education, professional jobs, full-time employed spouse, and fewer children are more inclined to choose permanent employment; (3) For workers with higher education, seniority at current posts, and more prospective years of service, their wages and compensations are higher if they are permanent employees than they are not; (4) The wage differentials between typical workers and atypical workers mainly result from aptitude differentials rather than from discrimination; and (5) The wage differentials between typical workers and atypical workers may vary with prosperity: they will shrink during the boom time and expand during the downturn.


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