  • 學位論文


A Study for Water Garden Organic Farmers' Marketon the Relationships among Brand Image, Experiential Marketing, Customers' Satisfaction and Loyalty

指導教授 : 雷立芬


農夫市集是近年來才在台灣盛行的銷售管道,滲透度並未像傳統市場和超級市場高。然而生鮮超市或量販店因為商品多樣,甚至可以舉辦促銷活動而更能吸引消費者。但是消費者對於購物地點的偏好是否具有忠誠度,應該深入探討,才能提供農夫市集創造競爭優勢的參考。Kotler(1997)認為消費者會藉由品牌來區別各業者的產品與服務,所以發展獨創品牌風格對產品本身極為重要。消費方式和價值觀不斷的改變,Pine and Gilmore(1998)提出體驗在消費者心中的評價越來越高,因此宣告體驗經濟時代來臨。Schmitt(1999)更建議體驗行銷,亦即在品牌、商品或服務添加入體驗的成分,帶給消費者難忘的記憶,並強化產品、服務或品質的水準。 緣此,本研究以水花園有機農夫市集為例,探討品牌形象、體驗行銷、顧客滿意度和忠誠度的交互影響。本研究採取便利抽樣法,有效問卷160份,以結構方程式模型(Structural Equation Modeling,SEM)進行研究假設之驗證。結果發現品牌形象對顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度顯著影響;體驗行銷對顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度皆有正向關聯;品牌形象和體驗行銷亦有顯著影響。 根據研究發現,本研究建議水花園農夫市集業者採取以下品牌策略。首先應在社群網站上、行動通訊軟體上廣做宣傳,以增加農夫市集的曝光率,進而建立品牌辨別度。其次強化定期、定時舉辦活動與講座之內容,以建立消費者的信任感;並且推出網路宅配服務,提供顧客便利性,來加強品牌內涵,進而提升顧客的滿意度。此外搭配文創的潮流、注入時尚的元素,而形成年輕消費族群的品牌反應促使追隨潮流的年輕人更願意前往消費。農夫市集所具備「在地生產、友善環境」特色,再搭配水花園的獨特性,將可創造品牌共鳴,而增加忠誠度。


Food security has been concerned by all customers, especially when the food safety issues are constantly explored.With the contaminated food spreading throughout the entire country, customers are more and more caring about their health and the whole environment, and also arouse their awareness of food security. Executive Yuan promotes to choose local and season food so that we can eat healthier and get more benefit. The government officers also encourage people to use fresh ingredient and improve the living levels. Kotler(1997)pointed that customers would use brand image to distinguish the difference between various products and service. Consumption habits and values have been changed, which leads to emphasizing on experiential marketing. Pine and Gilmore(1998)announced the age of experiential marketing had been coming. This article was to investigate the relationship among brand image、experiential marketing、customer satisfaction and customerloyalty on farmer' market. Data were collected and analyzed via a survey questionnaire and use structural equation modeling (SEM) to verify the hypothesis. The findings were based on the experiences of 171 consumers. The results found that brand image had a significant effect on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, and experiential marketing also has a significant impact on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Eventually, the outcome will provide the sellersof farmer’s market and other researchers with reference and suggestion in the future.


林予雯、陳姿伶與蔣憲國,2013。「消費者對便利商店自有品牌商品之購買涉入、品牌形象與購買行為研究: 以7-SELECT 為例」,《台灣農學會報》。14卷2期,291-313。
