  • 學位論文


Pen Shaft and Knife Handle: Bureaucratic Co-operation on Human Rights Policies in the Chinese Party-state

指導教授 : 陳至潔
共同指導教授 : 蔡季廷(Chi-Ting Tsai)


中國一直是學術與實務人權領域中歷久不衰的討論客體,觀察者亟欲探求國際人權規範對中國人權的實質影響與預測未來發展。然本文認為,國際建制之下存在著不同的國家單元,各自有著不同的歷史、政治制度和文化背景,僅將國家擺在國際建制框架中檢驗,並無法完整呈現國家人權政策發展圖像。 為求補足中國人權相關國內機制的討論,本研究轉而向比較政治學門尋求理論指引,套用「碎裂式威權主義」框架對決策機制進行檢驗,除了中央立場外,進一步細緻分析單元,將與中國人權政策形塑最為相關的宣傳與政法系統放進觀察視野。本文認為:一、中國人權相關政策在中央態度明顯時,政策主導權收由中央獨管;二,反之,在中央態度不甚明顯時,部門將有機會見縫插針,影響相關政策的發展。為了驗證中國人權領域內,會產生「當中央不具鮮明立場時,政策制定將循碎裂式威權主義模式,相關官僚部門可以對政策發展產生影響」,本文在研究方法上創新使用「數位人文分析法」,以《人民日報》、《光明日報》與《法制日報》分別代表中央、宣傳與政法系統,檢視三個系統、三份報紙、橫跨九年(2000年至2008年)所有包含特定關鍵字的報導,觀察三者對新聞網路自由和信訪制度的立場與三者之異同。 研究結果證實:在中央立場明顯的情況下,如本研究所使用的「新聞與網路自由」案例,決策權集中由黨中央主管;相反,在中央立場不明顯的情況下,如本文所使用的「信訪制度」案例,官僚部門對政策的制定具操作空間,碎裂式威權主義研究框架在中國人權決策領域的確具解釋力。


The delicate and sensitive nature of human rights issue sets its roots historically and politically, thus a more systematic approach must be applied in order to support the common-seen case-by-case inspections on human rights in China. This paper is innovated both in its approach and its methodology. For the new approach, this paper rather not to deploy International Regime theories on Chinese human rights issues, but to examine and provide explanations with the Fragmented Authoritarianism model (hereafter referred to as “FA”) --a theory in the realm of Comparative politics. Through the lens of FA, this paper is able to scrutinize the making of human rights policies at the bureaucracy level. This paper argues that: the Chinese central government does take up an inordinate amount of power when making human rights-related policies; however, when there comes a chance as a rather neutral stand posed by the power center, there comes a room for deploying bureaucracy politics. In order to validate this paper’s assertion, we will examine the co-operation relationships between the propaganda (宣傳) and political-legal (政法) systems on two issues: the freedom of press and the Internet, and the Letters and Visits system (信訪). In order to best utilize limited Chinese official resources for verifiable results, this paper applies a new methodology called Digital Humanities to study key words from three representative newspapers from year 2000 to 2008: People’s Daily (人民日報), Legal Daily (法制日報), and Guangming Daily (光明日報). Each newspapers defends viewpoints from the central government, the political-legal system, and the propaganda system. Results show that when the center government takes strong position on certain issue, such as the freedom of press and the Internet, there comes no room for bureaucracy politics; however, when the center government decides to take a weaker stand, such as the issue of Letters and Visits system, there is indeed a room for co-operation between departments at the bureaucracy level.


