  • 學位論文


Optimal Design of Viscous Dampers for Building Structures

指導教授 : 呂良正


黏性阻尼器(Viscous Damper)為經常被採用建築結構減震元件,但目前國內外規範當中,FEMA 273/274提供了黏性阻尼器設計參數利於工程界使用,對於其配置方法並無具體的建議與規定,此外由於運用最佳化演算法而衍生的設計流程太過複雜與數學化,使得實務工程採用的意願低。   本研究的目的為尋找線性黏性阻尼器在結構物中的最佳化配置,使阻尼器有效地發揮功能,降低結構物受震反應。   文獻上黏性阻尼器最佳化配置方法包括簡化循序搜尋演算法(Simplified Sequential Search Algorithm, SSSA)、竹脇法(Takewaki Method)、拉文法(Lavan A/R Method)以及分配法(Distribution Method)。本研究搭配不同性能指標─結構動力反應或轉換函數將現有最佳化配置方法改良,並提出新的分配法改善高樓層建築配置效果不佳的問題。除此之外,也應用其他最佳化演算法─元素交換法(EEM)於黏性阻尼器最佳化配置,其方法簡單且迭代步數少,配置結果於地震歷時下減震效果穩定。   本研究以不同樓高之剪力構架作為範例,並以各種方法進行阻尼器配置。最後,利用統計方式檢核在不同方法配置結果下,結構於實際地震中之表現,並比較其優劣,討論出有效配置方式。


For the better seismic performance, buildings are designed to resist earthquake by adding passive control devices in recent years. The current code such as Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA 273/274 suggests a simple way to design viscous dampers. However, the issue of the efficient placement of viscous dampers has received little attention. Various viscous dampers placement methods have been proposed for about twenty years, but they are not widely used in practical design due to their complexity. In this thesis, we focuses mainly on the simple ways to find the optimal placement of viscous dampers. The methods such as SSSA, Takewaki Method, and Lavan A/R Method have been improved. Furthermore, the other simple optimization algorithm-Element Exchange Method is adopted to find the optimal dampers placement as well. Distribution methods in the literature will be discussed, and our research group proposed two distribution methods in order to obtain the better performance of the buildings under earthquakes. Shear type buildings are adopted to find the optimal damper placements with different methods and the results have been examined by true earthquake records. Finally, statistical methods are utilized to examine them.


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