  • 學位論文


The Platform Strategies of Tencent

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥
共同指導教授 : 陳忠仁


騰訊控股公司為一中國互聯網企業,自1998年以即時通軟體QQ起家,在短短2年內不但在網路經濟泡沫化中存活,更以增值服務克服了當時中國互聯網在獲利之困境。騰訊於2004年在香港上市,爾後便轉變成以自行開發多角化產品的綜合型互聯網服務開發商,如今騰訊已經成為中國電腦與行動即時通訊軟體、遊戲以及社群網站之市場龍頭,並期望騰訊成為的互聯網連接器,設法連結中國網民與生活服務。直至2014年底,騰訊年度營收高達789億元人民幣,毛利率更在15年間大抵維持在60%-70%間,更被譽為中國第一強互聯網企業,並榮獲2014年BrandZ全球最具價值品牌百強榜第14名,品牌價值高達536億美元。 騰訊多角化的服務通以以後進者的角度切入新市場,透過其核心能耐及其平台策略佈局,得以使騰訊順利角逐多高進入障礙的互聯網服務並從中脫穎而出。本文以個案研究探討騰訊控股公司,以商業生態系統階段區隔其公司成長的三個時期,分析騰訊進入多角化服務市場並從中勝出之方法。爾後再分析其核心資源能力、公司成長關鍵的商業模式,以及多邊平台與多環狀平台策略,歸納騰訊在15年間如何維持其在中國互聯網之影響力與地位。 騰訊之所以能在中國互聯網屹立不搖,可歸功於其持續關注產業環境與用戶使用行為動態、即時更新並發掘適合騰訊的商業模式以豐富其利潤池並強化其核心資源與用戶黏性,隨時調整騰訊在中國互聯網產業的定位,以活化其商業生態系統之體系成員的互利與連結性。


Tencent, Inc. is a Chinese Internet service company since 1998, known as its Instant messenger QQ. It survived on the Internet bubble and developed a value-added service to break even its financial problem. While Tencent went public on the main board of Hong Kong Stock Exchange, it turned into a multi-service company, developing diversified entertaining service by it own. So far Tencent has grown into one of the largest internet service company in China, devoted to provide a friendly portal online service to connect people’s daily life. At the end of 2014, Tencent gained more than 78.9 billion RMB in a year with 65% of average gross rate, earned reputation for the most talented Internet Company and rewarded the 14th valuable global brand. None of Tencent’s diversified services is the first mover in the market. It is the core competency and its platform strategy that makes Tencent successfully enter the high-entry-barrier markets. The Study is aimed to analyze the core resources and capability, the critical business model and the platform strategy with qualitative method to analyze multi-sided platform, in order to conclude the way Tencent maintains its position and the influence power in Chinese Internet Industry throughout the environment and user behaviors transition.


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