  • 學位論文

遊客參訪行為與展館設施之探討 -以雲林農業博覽會為例

A Study of Tourists’ Visiting Behavior and the Facilities - An Example of The Agricultural Expo Yunlin

指導教授 : 張宏浩


由於農業生產環境的不斷改進,善用知識的年輕一代,陸續成為農業的生力軍,使用有機安全的生產方式,開拓新的農業生產模式,然而年輕的動力在投入生產之後,卻面對沒有良好銷售通路的窘境,此況與台灣許多產業一樣,有很好的生產製造能力,卻面臨找不到適合的銷售通路。 運用展覽行銷上的技巧,配套農業的推廣,都是對農產的知識傳達、感知能力的效益影響很大,以此對於一個博覽會的展場規劃,設施預算的運用與宣傳媒體的掌握都必須輜珠計較,才能在薄利的農業上獲得最大的效果。 本研究實證結果發現: (一)受訪者對本活動的參與動機、參與滿意度等皆具有正面之認知。 (二)女性受訪者比男性受訪者有較高之參與動機,而年齡、居住地區等未達顯著差異。 (三)國中以下學歷的受訪者對展館的喜好程度較高於其他學歷族群。 (四)不同教育程度與年齡之受訪者對展館的喜好程度有顯著差異,其它性別與居住地區則未達顯著差異。


Due to the improvement of agricultural production environment, younger farmers have advantages to become leaders for farm production. This is because young farmers are more likely to adopt latest knowledge and more willing to accept organic production. In spite of the improved farm technology, how to enhance farm incomes is still difficult. Among others, one of the challenges is the lack of appropriate marketing channels. From policy’s standard point of view, it is crucial for the government to design a reliable marketing channel for younger farmers. This study used data drawn from the Agriculture Expo event as an illustration to highlight the extent to which agricultural exhibition can be useful to promote agriculture. The primary findings of this study indicate that: (A) A positive perception of visitors to the event regarding the background and motivation of the event is evident. (B) Female visitors are more likely to participate in this event. Insignificant findings are found for visitor’s age and residency. (C) Education of the visitors matters. It is evident that visitors of higher education level are more likely to participate the event. (D) Regarding to the degree of preferences of the event, the age and education of the visitors play an important role. In contrast, gender and residency are not statistically important.


沈進成、周君妍,2006。整合行銷傳播、旅遊意象、知名度、滿意度對忠誠度關係之研究—以古坑華山為例,運動與遊憩研究 第一卷 第一期,1~24。
