  • 學位論文

社會企業倫理消費經營模式分析 ─生態綠個案研究

The Business Model of Ethical Consumption in Social Enterprise —The Case Study of Okogreen

指導教授 : 林嬋娟


在資本主義、自由貿易的意識型態下,多數的政府追求GDP的成長,而企業以獲利為最高目標,導致了全球貿易造成貧富不均,第三世界的農民被剝削而更加的貧窮。因此1970年代公平貿易(fair trade)社會運動開始崛起,並試圖以消滅貧窮為目的,創造一種新的貿易關係。相對於自由貿易,公平貿易更重視價值鏈中的勞工、環保和社會公平問題,特別關注貧困、弱勢的生產者,希望能確保他們合理的收入,從而維繫和改善生計與獲得發展的權利。近年來,台灣有一股社會企業力量正在崛起,理念與公平貿易類似,希望透過商業經營的方式,去解決更多的社會問題。 本研究將個案生態綠股份有限公司視為社會企業之一種形式,並且以楊銘賢(2009)等人所建構之社會企業經營模式為綱,同時融入齊國瑛(2008)倫理消費觀點「衡量要素」,進一步檢證生態綠之經營模式。本研究發現,該公司之經營模式一直圍繞著「倫理消費」進行價值主張、策略佈局、資源部署並創造出新的價值網絡。透過倫理消費者的系統支持,生態綠與其他咖啡業者產生市場區隔。如生態率與價值接近的NPO進行合作,創造出不同於主流的咖啡生產、銷售的市場。 生態綠,藉由推動公平貿易理念之倫理消費行銷模式,所構建之企業活動,讓其社會使命得以在消費者消費時即可實現其社會價值。透過本研究對於倫理消費商業模式的分析,可以看到一種創新的模式,希望可供為發展中之社會企業,建構更系統性的策略,找到可供借鏡之處,落實社會企業價值主張,並創造更多的社會影響力。


Under the capitalism and free trade ideology, governments pursue the GDP growth and companies seek profit as their ultimate goal, thus resulting global economic inequality and the exploitation to farmers in the third world. Therefore, fair trade movement rises in order to eradicate the poverty and to establish a new trade relationship in 1970s. Compared with free trade, fair trade pays more attention on labor right in the value chain, the social and environment justice issues. Fair trade especially focuses on the group of poverty, disadvantaged producers, and expects to provide basic income not only to keep farmers’ livelihood and sustain farmers’ right to future development. Similar to fair trade, the idea of social enterprise emerges in Taiwan recently in order to solve social problems by commercial and business operation. In this research, researcher applies the social enterprise business model of Yang(2009) and ethical consumption evaluation of Chi(2008) to examine Okogreen’s business model. Result indicates that “ethical consumption” is a core value which is the base for Okogreen generates value proposition, strategic layout, resource deployment and create new value network. Through the support from ethical consumers, Okogreen creates market segmentation which is different from other competitors. For example, they cooperate with Non-Profit-Organization to create a new coffee market out of mainstream market. Base on the “ethical consumption” of fair trade marketing strategies, Okogreen builds up its business model and achieves its mission to sell fair trade products to consumers. Through the analysis of ethical consumption business model, researcher finds a new innovative pattern for social enterprise to construct systematic strategies. By way of this model, more social enterprises are formed to achieve the social mission and enhance more social impacts.


