  • 學位論文


Artificial Light-Type Plant Factory in Taiwan -An Application of Input-Output Analysis

指導教授 : 徐世勳 張靜貞


面對全球氣候變遷,以及可耕地減少、農業就業人口高齡化等問題,植物工廠的興起帶來契機。植物工廠主要是透過水與LED燈照的設備建置,於室內進行立體化栽培,透過在室內環控恆溫裝置,可定質定量的栽培作物,全年均可供應超市與都會地區消費市場所需。而植物工廠又可分為完全人工光型、太陽光型、人工光與太陽光併用,本研究以完全人工光型植物工廠為分析對象,應用臺灣2011年產業關聯表,新增「植物工廠設備輸出」與「植物工廠作物產出」兩部門進行情境設計,計算此產業未來可能創造出附加價值。 本研究一方面從作物生產的角度,考慮以專業生產萵苣類生菜來取代進口做為潛在內銷市場,並分別假設50%與100%之進口替代率,加上每公克生菜零售價為0.5元與0.8元,建立兩種種假設情境。另一方面也同時考慮整廠輸出的潛在市場,並分成內銷及外銷分別設計模擬情境。根據模擬結果可發現,配植物工廠的作物生產搭配整廠輸出,可創造總產出約1,514億元至3,111億元,提升406億元至842億元之附加價值,也創造近3,000人至6,500個就業機會。 其次,本研究也透過業者訪談及專家論壇蒐集台灣目前植物工廠經營狀況、競爭優勢、發展瓶頸及建議等資料,分析台灣植物工廠發展狀況及未來發展路徑,經過SWOT分析之結果顯示台灣具有工業上之技術優勢,如植物工廠相關周邊設備等研發,及LED成本及技術領先,人才培育上有多位專家跨領域合作、學生專業技能栽培;發展劣勢方面則為植物工廠蔬菜內需市場小,大眾並未普遍接受植物工廠蔬菜,以及行政管理單位上之模糊、缺少貸款優惠或投資等獎勵誘因。未來台灣發展機會可藉由大眾對食品安全日益重視及提倡永續發展之概念來推廣,但仍需考慮日本、中國、韓國等對手規模化發展所可能形成的價格競爭。


With the rapid growing population and food insecurity problems induced by climate change and weather-related disasters, plant factory has become one of the potential solutions in many industrialzed countries, It is a closed artificial plant growing system which is isolated from outside environment, providing high yield by growing multiple varieties and enables farmers to achieve constant production of vegetables all year round. Plants are facilitated by controlling of light, temperature, humidity, nutrition and carbon dioxide concentration. From industrial development standpoint, it has the capacity to generate production activities related to agriculture, industry and services. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the network effect of the plant factory production system and to mearsure the economic values of promoting the plant fatory industry by applying the input-output model. Two new activities, “plant-factory vegetable production” and “plant factory equipment production” are added into the 2011 input-otuput table. Interviews with the operators of the existing plants are used to collect the cost and revenue information and to identify the strength and weakness of plant factories in Taiwan. Several scenarios were developed under the assumptions that plant factory production can substitute up to 50% or 100% of the imported lettuce, the prices of lettuce are 0.5 and 0.8 NT dollars per gram, and the plant factory equipments can be exported and take up 25% and 50% of the world market shares. Using Leotief inverse matric, we find that the plant factor industry can increase annual gross output by around 151.4 to 311.1 billion NT dollars, and the resultant value-added careation effect can reach 40.6 to 84.2 billion NT dollars per annum, as well as creating nearly 3,000 to 6,500 job opportunities. This study also uses the survey data to conduct a SWOT analysis on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing the industry. The results show that Taiwan has technological advantages in research and development in plant-related equipment, engineering and biological science. A number of interdisciplinary experts cooperate to investigate and train students to develop professional skills. However, consumers in Taiwan not ready to accept the vegetables from plant factories. Institutioanl support and proper coordicnation among different agencies to promote the development of the industry are also very weak. In the future, as consumers in Taiwan are willing to pay more attention and higher prices to ensure food safety and sustainable development, the opportunities for plant factories to grow will be much greater. However, price competition from the rapid expansion in Japan, China and Korea will become a challenge for the long-term development.


