  • 學位論文

企業合資案探討: 以共同清除處理機構—台灣鋼聯公司為例

A Case Study of Corporate Joint Venture: An example of Joint Treatment Organization—Taiwan Steel Unions Ltd.

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥


鋅在地殼中的平均含量只有0.2%,而世界鋅的消費量年年增加,鋅乃資源枯竭的金屬。含鋅廢料之鋅再生將成為重要的課題。其中電弧爐集塵灰之資源再生最被重視。 過去電弧爐集塵灰合法的處理方式幾乎都以固化為處理方式,由於台灣地小人稠,固化掩埋場的使用容量逐漸減少,造成集塵灰處理費不斷升高,無形之中對於鋼鐵廠的獲利產生壓力。企業為了遵循事業廢棄物處理的環保準則,開始向外尋求各種的合作模式,而在自身資源與技術有限的情況下,台灣鋼鐵業採取與同業合資的方式進行合作。 因此,本研究個案正是因應環保需求所成立的共同處理機構,在風險管理上,不但可減少合夥股東因環保法規要求所造成經營上的風險外,在夥伴的選擇上,具有相同產業背景與環保處理問題的合夥股東們,對於合資公司在各項經營管理上的理念也較少產生衝突。如此,不但可提升合資企業的競爭力,也較易實現合資企業的績效。


Zinc contains 0.2% in our earth most likely regarding geologists. The world’s zinc comsuption is increasing year by year, whereas the resourse of zinc metal is decreaing. Recycleing zinc from steel scrap which contains zinc material becomes a very important issue. Especially, in recycle business of the EAF Dust. In the past, legal way of treating EAF Dust is almost use of solificaiton process. Due to small in Taiwan but densely populated category, the volume of waste landfill of solification is curtailed. This situation has caused treatment fee of EAF Dust getting higher, moreover, it also made steel makers getting a lot of pressures on profit invisibly. In order to follow environmental protection regulation for the treatment of industry waste, enterprises are trying to seek any kind of cooperative model, like joint venture. Especially, in the limitation of self resources and technologies, EAF steel makers adopt a joint venture for their purpose and practice to speed up the treatment of EAF Dust. Therefore, this case study is oriented from the thinking of environmental needs that push those steel makers creating a joint venture organization together. Regard of risk management and cooperating partner selection, joint venture organization can not only redue managerial risk caused by environmental protection regulation, but also redue conflicts in various of managerial concepts for industry waste treament among those shareholders. Thus, it surely can raise join venture organization’s competiveness and performance.


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