  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Operational Strategy Type of Telecommunication Service Provider

指導教授 : 陳忠仁


2015年3月6日Apple加入道瓊指數,同時,AT T電信被從指標名單中移除,而由Apple取而代之,電信服務商在道瓊指數中,僅剩下Verizaon碩果僅存,這是否說明了電信的成長動能不足,榮景不可預期?還是電信產業生態環境已經改變,電信服務商不再是生態系中的「關鍵者」?而Apple在主導了手機市場後是否會再創造的一個新的生態系進而主宰一切? 此外,自2010起源於OTT的威脅力道逐漸增強,彷彿重演破壞性創新的情節,產業生態的關鍵者對於新進者起先不是特別留意,等其逐漸坐大後才開始猶豫是否要回防,已然措手不及。再者,產業的競爭環境已然改變,產品的「零合競爭」只能有限度的影響市場的成長,但是來自於不同領域的競爭會直接成為影響成長的關鍵因素。 最後,由於電信技術的迅速演變,不斷的追求速度的提升,每一個世代(Generation)如2G, 3G與4G中間的演進時間越來越短,4G才問市不久,以5G為規格行動網路就已經開始進入落地實測,面對高資本投資,高維護成本與高退出障礙的電信服務業來說,在決定每一步的決策時都面臨了相當高的風險,因此是否能夠找到電信服務商演化的路徑,並作為下一步決策時參考,是本研究的動機。 本研究主要是為電信服務商處在「產業飽和、成長趨緩」,「內在競爭、外來威脅」,尋找下一步策略路徑之際,分析產業環境中的機會與威脅,重新檢視自身核心能力的優勢與劣勢,提供適當的策略路徑。本研究根據「技術發展類型」以及「競爭來源類型」觀點,建構技術發展類型與競爭來源類型兩個維度,發展出一個2×2的矩陣,將電信服務商策略發展分為四種類型:(1)生態發展型、(2)合作擴張型、(3)固守本業型、與(4)互補成長型。接著根據相關的研究文獻與產業報告,本研究提出以策略、能力、資源、客戶互動四個、網絡、與獲利構面的分析架構。再利用此分析架構,剖析四種策略發展類型的差異,並以四個電信服務商轉型為個案,分析其轉型的路徑,提供電信服務商選擇策略發展路徑的參考。


March 6, 2015 Apple joined the Dow Jones index, while; AT T is removed from the index list, and only one of the telecommunication (hereinafter telecom) service providers, Verizon, left in the Dow Jones index. Does it mean that the growth engine of telecom industry be insufficient and unpredictable? Besides, telecom service providers are no longer the "key stone" in the industry ecosystem, a new one appears, APPLE, who is the leader of mobile handset market, and might become to dominate the telecom industry ecosystem. In addition, since 2010 the OTT threat forces gradually out from the telecom industry, as if a repeat episode of disruptive innovation. Furthermore, the industry is already changing competitive environment, "zero-sum competition", products can only affect a limited degree of market growth or not, but the competition from different fields will become a direct impact on growth factors. Finally, due to the rapid evolution of telecom technology, constant pursuit to enhance the transmission speed, such as 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G, the telecom service providers have to face the high capital investment, and high maintenance costs, how to decide the next step becomes to the most important thing. As the telecom industry becomes more saturation and slow-growth and competition and threat are getting closer, the study is besed on the "type of technology development" and "type of competition source" view, as two dimensions, to construct a 2 × 2 matrix, for the strategy development of telecom service providers. The four types are: (1) eco-development type, (2) co-dilated type, (3) ground-stay type, and (4) complementary-growth type. According to the relevant literature and industry reports, this study proposes several key-management factors for analyzing the 4-selected cases, like strategy, capabilities, resources, customer interaction…etc, for developing the strategic evolution path of the 4-selected cases. The telecom service providers can use the study while deciding the next step of evolution in telecom industry.


1. 中文書籍:
█創新者的修練,克雷頓.克里斯汀生、 史考特.安東尼、艾力克.羅斯,天下雜誌。
