  • 學位論文


Structural Regulation of Television Industry in Taiwan: Contextual Analysis on the Interactions of Power Organs

指導教授 : 張文貞


本文試圖藉由探討政經脈絡的歷史發展,以及規範形塑的過程,了解電視產業結構管制的運作規則,並且對於目前的問題作出初步的政策建議方案。 在歷史脈絡方面,本文將電視產業的發展分為威權時期、民主化時期與全球化時期。在威權時期,我國電視產業則由黨國掌握。在民主化時期,我國國會全面改選,這當中中央與地方的對抗、執政黨與在野黨的對抗,讓我國的電視產業逐漸蓬勃發展。在全球化時代,我國開放外國投資電視產業,系統業者的整合加速。近幾年來,國內更出現內國企業利用國際金融槓桿投資我國電視產業,取代了以外國為主的併購模式。之後出現的媒金結合、跨媒體結合也引發了相當劇烈的反媒體壟斷運動。 在規範形塑方面,面對上述的政經發展脈絡,威權時期的立法相對沈默,行政權的提案。到了國會全面改選後,新一屆的國會反對黨議員提出相當基進的改革方案,然而此時執政黨仍有相當實力。在全球化時期,除了跨國資本投入外,我國也發生了第一次的行政權政黨輪替,出現朝小野大的局勢。此時行政權的提案受到相當大的挑戰,在野黨在通傳會立法取得較大優勢。於此之後,我國的修法呈現停滯狀態。 綜合對於政經局勢以及規範形塑的觀察,本文認為規範形塑對於社會議題的回應由消極趨向積極,但是效能在提升之後卻又在近幾年進入衰退。筆者認為我國電視產業結構管制的變遷趨力來自於民主化與全球化雙重因素。而我國規範形塑的立法動能來源,主要來自於行政機關的管制需求、在野黨與社會運動等等反對者對於電視產業結構管制改革的呼聲,以及法院判決對於管制機關的不利判決。同時本文也發現國會的規範形塑往往遲於政經局勢的變動,社會上的修法呼聲往往需要經過許多年的努力才能反映到通過的立法。 就這些特色,本文提出以權力分散、動態制衡為基調的改革方案。也就是深化電視產業公司治理模式,改革有線電視系統業者的市場結構,以及將通傳會定位為監理機關,並就與其他機關之分工、具體決定之作成、法院審查之判准作出改革。


Regarding to the political and economical context, and the framing of the regulation norms, this Thesis aims to propose an initial solution program for the present issues on the regulation of television industry in Taiwan. On the political and economic context, this Thesis divided the period of television industry development into three eras: authoritarian era, democratization era, and globalization era. In the authoritarian era, the television industry is control by the party state led by the Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomingtang, KMT). In the democratization era, challenges from the opposition parties, and the local governments companied with the vigorous television industry. In the globalization era, foreign investors greatly got involved in the mergers of television industry. Financial leverage, multi-media concentration, and the merger of finance and media brought great concerns of media monopoly in the civil society in Taiwan. On the framing of the regulation norms, this Thesis proposes an analysis considering the mentioned political and economic context. In the authoritarian era, the Parliament is relatively silent on the bills proposed by the executive branch of the government. In the democratization era, the Parliament was more vibrant on proposing comprehensive reform agenda, while the executive began compromising in certain legislations. In the globalization era, the vibrant trend of reform lasted for few years. The KMT-led Parliament strongly controlled the legislation against the executive led by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). However, in recent years, the reform on television industry regulation seemed stagnated. This Thesis finds that the driving force of the structural regulation of television industry derives from democratization and globalization. For the framing of the regulation norms, it is pushed by the regulation demand of the executive organs, the opposition parties, and the impacts of judicial judgments. Therefore, the framing of regulations is usually lag to the trends of political and economic changes. In conclusion, this Thesis proposed that the corporation governance and the market structure be reformed by new legislations. The National Communication Commission (NCC) shall also be regarded as a supervisory organ. Therefore, its functions, ways of decision-making, and the standards of court review should be adjusted.


