  • 學位論文


International Strategy Study of SN Company

指導教授 : 陳俊忠


互聯網已經將世界連成一片,給全球經濟格局帶來翻天覆地的變化。許多企業從誕生之日起,就被迫參與到全球化競爭中來。而今天消費者的需求日益個性化,也給小企業帶來機遇,大企業在管理上的弱勢也拖累了大企業的發展。在全球化的競爭中,小企業不一定弱,大企業不一定強。SN公司作為一家小型民營企業,本來就是靠外貿出口立足,早就參與到國際分工的格局裡,在十幾年的發展過程中,越來越認識到國際化戰略的重要性。在互聯網推動經濟全球化進程日趨迅猛的今天,如何克服自身資源的有限性,實現全面國際化戰略已經提上日程。 本文將在參閱相關文獻著作的基礎上,經過調研和收集公司內外部資料和情報,通過PEST模型分析方法分析企業外部環境,使用五力競爭模型分析法分析行業競爭環境,並以實例詳細對比分析三大競爭對手與SN公司的對比。然後用SWOT分析法分析SN公司作為小企業國際化戰略的可行性,並分別做出SO戰略規劃、WO戰略規劃、ST戰略規劃和WT戰略規劃。同時具體闡述兩種戰略路徑的實施方案:一是貼近客戶的銷售、設計服務中心;二是降低成本的海外倉和製造工廠。再針對企業實施新的戰略應該具備的條件,對SN公司實施國際化戰略所要做的必備的前提準備做總的分析,然後對其中的三個關鍵因素:戰略領導力、人力資源、財務三個方面做具體分析和闡述。最後將對各方面可能會遭遇到的風險做一個預測,並提出風險控制和防範的措施。 本文對小企業如何從被動到主動參與全球化競爭做出初步探索和研究,因本人水準有限,有些觀點可能不太全面和正確,有些細節存在疏漏,將在未來的工作和學習過程中,不斷充實和明晰化,力求找到並趟出一條真正適合中國民營小企業國際化的路。


Internet has integrated the world, and brought dramatic changes to the global economy. Many newly established enterprises are forced to participate in global competition. Nowadays, the individualization of consumers’ demand brings opportunities to small enterprises, while the management weaknesses of large enterprises drag down its development. In the global competition, all enterprises are not always to be weak or strong. As a small private enterprises, SN COMPANY was based on export, and has long been involved in the international division patterns. During the development of more than 10 years, SN COMPANY has also gradually recognized the importance of internationalization strategy. Today, the internet promote the economic globalization process more rapidly, so how to overcome the limitation of its own resources, and how to realize the “fully going out” strategy has been put on the agenda. On the basis of referring to the relevant literature, this article will research and collect the company internal and external data and intelligence, analyze the enterprise external environment and the industry competition environment through PEST Analysis and Port's five-forces Analysis. With detailed comparative analysis of examples, it also analyzes the comparison between SN COMPANY and the three main competitors. And then using SWOT Analysis analysis analyzes the feasibility of “going out” strategy for SN COMPANY, respectively makes SO strategic planning, WO strategic planning, ST strategic planning and WT strategic planning. Meanwhile, it elaborates the implementation plan of two kinds strategic paths: Firstly, the customer service center of sales, design that close to the customers; secondly, the overseas warehouse and manufacturing plant of lower cost; thirdly, do a overall analysis of the necessary preparation that SN COMPANY needs to make to carry out the “going out” strategy, since enterprises should have the condition to implement the new strategy. And then makes a concrete analysis and elaboration of the three key elements: strategic leadership, human resources and finance. Finally make a prediction of all aspects that may encounter risks, and proposes measures for risk control and prevention. This article makes a preliminary exploration and research that small enterprises how to participate in the global competition from passive to active. Since my ability is limited, some views may not be complete and correct, some omissions are inevitable. During the work and study in the future, I will enrich myself and be more clear, striving to find and proceed a truly suitable way for Chinese private small enterprises to go out.


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