  • 學位論文

直銷企業品牌體驗策略研究 —以美商如新NU SKIN爲例

Research on Brand Experience Strategies of Direct Selling Enterprise — A Case Study of NU SKIN Enterprise

指導教授 : 謝明慧


直銷成為真正制度化之商業模式經營,可謂濫觴於1945年美國加州,一位推銷員與一位心理學家結合彼此專長,為營養保健品公司設立了一套完整與眾不同的獎金計劃,這套全新的輔銷制度,將單點放射性的酬佣結構帶向鏈式反應的網絡結構發展,改變了傳統業務銷售型態,倍增的業績銷售爆發威力,為其公司帶來驚人的業績,引發風潮,各種爭相模仿計酬制度效應產生,至今70年間,直銷產業快速發展,根據世界直銷聯盟2014年統計數字,全球活動直銷銷售人口已近十億。. 於此劇烈競爭下,跨國直銷品牌要能於不同區域市場持盈保泰,居於領先不敗之地,除不斷強化產品、人才、事業機會與企業文化等軟硬實力,品牌行銷策略更需要與時俱進,與整體環境保持互動,即時調整回應市場需求,領先創新獲得致勝關鍵。 本個案研究中,將合併學生於文獻理解與工作之實務經驗,通過對全球與台灣直銷產業現況概述,及企業個案如何因應體驗經濟時代趨勢,依循其品牌洞察結果後找出問題與解決對策,擬定品牌體驗策略規劃之過程,期以此實務個案探討與發現能提供有興趣研究直銷產業或於產業從業後進參考,再者於學生本人能透過此次專題研究,能對於品牌體驗之深度理解與內化,有利於未來於公司管理與營運思考邏輯依據與決策作為,並能順利達成此品牌體驗施行之:增加公司業績、提高消費者回購率與消費者品牌忠誠度養成與協助直銷商事業發展等三大重點目標。


直銷產業 NU SKIN 品牌體驗


The first direct selling company Nutrilite was established in California in 1945. Direct selling thus began as a unique Business model. Nutrilite was founded by a partnership of a salesman and a psychologist. They created a unique sales compensation plan which is composed of not only the revenue generated by the individual sales person but also few levels down to the sales organization. This is a completely disruptive network marketing model. The power of duplication generates tremendous sales revenue so more and more companies start to duplicate their compensation plan and business model. As of today, Direct selling industry has been flourishing for 70 years. In 2014, the number of active distributors has reached almost one billion, according to the statistics provided by Word Federation of Direct Selling Association. In order to remain competitive in all markets, international direct selling companies must continuously improve on their products, talents, corporate culture and business opportunities. In addition, timely strategic branding reposition is also crucial to stay in touch with the overall environment, and respond to the ever changing market needs with innovative brand experience to ensure its continual success. This research based of NU SKIN Enterprise details the current status of the direct selling industry and its business environment; identify the needs and opportunities of brand development in order to establish the brand experience strategy. In light of this research, the goal is to provide a solid reference for ones that are interested in becoming involved with the industry. Being the researcher myself, it once again solidifies my understanding towards corporate strategic branding and provides a strong foundation towards future management decision, thus better support company’s key factors of growth including driving additional purchase, increasing customer retention and loyalty as well as fostering sales leader progression.


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