  • 學位論文

品牌與製造商之間的關係品質對製造商忠誠度的影響 —以S音響公司為例的研究

Exploring the Relation Quality between Manufacturers and Brand Companies on Effects of Loyalty—An Example of S Audio Company

指導教授 : 黃崇興


二十一世紀以後,很多企業從“以產品中心”向“客戶中心”轉變。因而能夠呈現今日的企業更注重客戶關係管理。 客戶服務主要是用於快速及時的獲得問題客戶的資訊及客戶歷史問題記錄等,這樣可以有針對性並且高效的為客戶解決問題,提高客戶滿意度,提升企業形象。主要功能包括客戶回饋、解決方案、滿意度調查等功能。應用客戶回饋中的自動升級功能,可讓管理者第一時間得到超其未解決的客戶請求,解決方案功能使全公司所有員工都可以立刻提交給客戶最為滿意的答案,而滿意度調查功能又可以使最高層的管理者隨時獲知本公司客戶服務的真實水準。 歐美“智慧手機”與“電視機”兩大產業的興起帶動了數位音樂及智慧型移動產品盛行,使得音響產品設計競爭性更強,再加上中國大陸工資上漲,製造業環境轉變,對原有在中國大陸設廠的台商產生不小的衝擊。S公司已經在中國大陸經營多年,除了產品的品質與生產技術外,也相當重視與客戶之間的聯繫上,進而取得客戶的信任,也培養許多有長久合作關係的客戶,使S公司在市場競爭激烈的音響市場中仍佔有一席之地。 此外,近年來,關係連結、關係品質的相關研究相當多,但鮮少研究去討論關係連結方式、關係品質與顧客忠誠度之間的連結性,顯示關係連結方式和關係品質在與顧客忠誠度之間的關聯性研究較為不足。因此,本研究將透過深度訪談法,針對S 公司長期合作的歐美音響品牌業者為訪談對象,並以音響製造商對音響品牌業者忠誠度影響為研究主題,探討S 公司如何透過不同的關係連結手法取得顧客的信任、滿意、承諾,並進一步找出如何與顧客取得忠誠的連結。 本研究訪談分析結果顯示,S 公司須先以「折扣」、「價格優惠」等財務上與經濟上的利益為主要誘因來吸引音響品牌業者與S 公司進行合作,之後S 公司可藉由「經常性拜訪」、「高階主管密切互動」及「參與各項社交性活動」等方式,使彼此的關係更為密切進而有助於彼此交易的穩定及成長,最後S 公司可以進一步與顧客透過「產品技術維修資源」、「技術合作」及「管理資訊系統共用」等合作方式,進一步鞏固及提昇彼此關係,進而建立長久的合作關係。


In Twenty-First Century, many companies shift their strategy from product oriented to customer oriented. In this case, we can see more and more companies focus on customer relationship management. Customer service mainly used to get rapid message from customer who has questions and records of their history. This is a high efficiency way to solve customer’s questions, raising their satisfaction and enhancing corporate image. The major function would be customer feedback, solution and satisfaction survey. By using customer feedback’s auto upgrade function, the management will get unsolved customer request in the first place. Solution function will let every employee in the company knows how to give best answer to customer. The Satisfaction survey will let top management knows company’s customer service level. The smart phone and television industries bring up the business of digital musics and smart portable devices. This makes audio products design facing more challenges. Also, the wage increase in China makes the manufacturing environment changing. All these changes bring very big impacts to Taiwanese factory in China. Fortunately, the problems and shortcomings of producing audio electronics are still originated from the original equipment manufacturers in China whereas the S audio company, which run the business in China for long time, has predominated the audio electronics market by not only maintaining the quality of products and the advanced techniques of production but also emphasizing the connectedness with customers and the trusts of long-term cooperative customer. Recently, the research of relationship connection and relation quality are burgeoning, fewer studies are discussing the connectedness between relationship connection, relation quality and the loyalty of customer, however. It represents that the relevant studies are insufficient. The study thus investigate how the case company acquires trusts, satisfactions, and commitments from their customers through different ways of relationship connection and searches out the way to connect the loyalty of customer, by exploring the influence of the audio electronics manufacturer to the loyalty of audio electronics company via interviews, in which the interviewees are the long-term cooperative audio electronics companies in Europe and America. The results reveal the case company has to deliver the financial and economic incentives, such as discounts and preferential prices, to attract audio electronics companies. The case company has to build intently relations and contribute its stable and growing transactions with audio electronic companies by frequently visiting, intimate interactions between high level managers, and the participations of various social activities thereafter. At last, the case company can consolidate its long-term cooperative relations with audio electronic companies via the shared values of techniques and maintenance, technical cooperation, and the share of managerial informative system.


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