  • 學位論文


A Study of The Lowest Tender in The Procurement of Heterogeneity in Construction- Using Pavement Maintenance as Case Study

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


公共工程採購決標方式,為最低標、異質採購最低標及最有利標等三種,公共工程委員會訂頒之「機關異質採購最低標作業須知」以異質項目較少或差異程度較小者適用,其程序為經審查合於招標文件標準之廠商開價格標,採最低標決標。以異質採購最低標方式辦理採購之成敗關鍵,在於機關需求及標準之訂定,除應於招標文件中明定需求,並應以符合機關實需為前提,以達擇優之目的,機關以此方式辦理採購時,應審慎妥擬招標文件,以彰顯異質採購最低標之效果。 道路管養維護的政府機關等級有中央的國道高速公路管理局,有地方的鄉鎮公所,管理的人力及專職程度不一,又導致道路鋪面損壞之因素很多,在台灣尚未建立完整之鋪面管理系統及監造人力有限狀況下,運用採購策略選擇較好的承攬廠商,冀望以異質最低標決標辦理工程發包,預先控制未來施工品質,並可將施工後結果回饋至下一次採購,以達良性循環之效,並促進道路鋪面養護工程的進步,減少爭議,使工程如期、如質完成。 本研究於詳述了公共工程依據政府採購法的決標方式、程序,及道路鋪面維護原則、所面臨的常見問題及因應方式後,對政府機關及顧問公司以問卷調查方式了解他們對於異質採購最低標及用於道路鋪面工程採購之看法,計84 件有效問卷資料進行分析,並以全部受訪者、政府機關、顧問公司、主管、非主管、曾經或未曾辦理過異質採購最低標者之區分,再輔以曾經辦理過道路工程者及不同意者之族群,以16 個問題分析其結果,再將16 個分析結果,整理成8 個議題,進行7 位專家訪談之對策研議,另外對某機關道路鋪面改善工程採異質採購最低標招標評審評分表也併入問卷及專家訪談中,期望了解目前疑慮及辦理成效,以提供精進作為或對策,以供相關業主參考。


Generally the adopting bid mode of public works procurement is divided into three: the lowest tender, the lowest tender in the procurement of heterogeneity and the most advantageous tender in the procurement of heterogeneity, etc. By the Public Construction Commission Executive Yuan awarded the order of " The Guidelines of Determining the Lowest Tender in the Procurement of heterogeneity " that uses the less heterogeneous engineering or smaller degree of difference applicable. It is the lowest price limited bidding, for the vendors are qualified by the bidding standard in document. The key of the lowest tender in the procurement of heterogeneity is to point out the demand of the organ and to establish the standard at the tender document. To reach the real demand and correct selection on the bid, the organ must properly prudent proposed contract documents. That is the most important thing to highlighting the effects of the Lowest Tender in the Procurement of heterogeneity. The government organs about road management of maintenance have few different levels. From the National Freeway Bureau of central government to the locality city halls, their manpower and professional management level is different. Furthermore, the road pavement may damage by a number of reasons. Taiwan has not established a complete system of pavement management yet and supervision under the condition of limited manpower, use a tactic in purchasing to choose a better contract worker is important. Expect to adopt the lowest tender in the procurement of heterogeneity for the construction contract also to control the quality in the future. On the other way, the construction ttainment could feed back to next purchasing that is a positive cycle, and then to promote the progress of road pavement maintenance engineering and reduces disputes. Furthermore, let the construction project on schedule and with completion of quality. The study has an exhaustive description regarding the public construction bidding method and procedures that in accordance with the government purchase law. Furthermore, regarding to the common issues and response manner of road pavement maintenance principles, use questionnaires comprehend the viewpoint of government agencies and consultancy companies about the lowest tender in the procurement of heterogeneity. The data are analyzed by using 84 of valid questionnaires. Distinguish those questionnaires into groups as all interviewers, government agencies, engineering consultancy companies, manager, non-manager, experienced or non-experienced to execute the lowest tender in the procurement of heterogeneity, and supplemented by the works who have been handled road and the group who do not agree with road work. The analyzer is by 16 questions on the questionnaires then by the 16 results to sort become 8 topics.Then, interview 7 professionals to research solution way. We expect to understand the current concerns and apply effect to provide sophisticated or as a countermeasure for the government organs reference.


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