  • 學位論文


Research on the Evaluation Empirical Results of Construction Companies Subcontractor

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


國內建築工程規模因採整合開發而日益龐大,國內營造廠商在取得專案合約後,為組織就專業性或成本的考量,採用分包是獲得資源的主流方式,而營造廠因組織的分工,分包商的選擇多由內部採購部門負責選擇與決策後交付專案執行,所以分包商履約情形自然需由專案回饋至採購部門。 國內較具制度規模營造公司,分包商管理多以評鑑制度為評量分包商履約良窳的方式也是專案回饋部門關於分包商履約表現的訊息,本研究以消費者概念解讀採購部門、分包商、專案與評鑑成果之間的關係,評鑑成果(滿意度)是分包商(產品)的履約成效,也是專案(消費者)對採購部門(供應商)的回饋與反應。 本研究經由收集分包商評鑑實證資料,並藉文獻回顧與專家訪談後以消費者觀念來探討整體的滿意度、評鑑成果呈現方式與影響滿意度因素,經本研究整理評鑑實證成果,探討以成績、等級與滿意度三種方式呈現比較,以滿意度為呈現方式較容易提供管理者整體而明確的資訊,不同於以分數或等級方式回饋。 另本研究以專家實務管理經驗建立的五項研究假說,配合實證資料經平均數差異推論統計研究各專案間滿意度差異及結構型態、地域因素、造價及區域售價等因素對滿意度影響,結論顯示案例中各專案滿意度並未逐案提升,而造價與區域售價為影響專案滿意度因素,可提供營造廠商參考並建議營造廠在進行專案採購時審慎考量專案特性差異,適時進行採購選商或管理策略調整與修正。 最後建議營造廠商,將完工專案整體分包商評鑑所回饋的資料,除於完工結案時提出檢視與討論以獲取資訊外,履約過程中主動至專案工地查訪與交換心得,及時調整採購與選商策略必能逐步提升整體營造服務水準。


滿意度 分包商 評鑑制度


The scale of domestic construction engineering is expanding daily due to consolidated development. Once domestic builders obtain special project contracts, in order to prepare specialists, or for cost considerations, utilize subcontractors is the main way to obtain resources. Moreover, because builders have set-up this distribution of labor, subcontractors are usually chosen by the internal purchasing departments and are responsible for paying special projects after selection and determination processes are completed. Therefore, subcontractors’ compliance situation naturally must have special project feedback to the procurement department. There is a great deal of subcontractor management among the well-established construction companies in Taiwan. Evaluation systems are used to assess the positive or negative aspects of subcontractors’ compliance and systematically bring feedback on the subcontractor the special projects back to companies’ purchasing departments. This research is from a consumer’s perspective interpreting the relationship between the results of the purchasing department, subcontractors, special projects and evaluations. Evaluation results (degree of satisfaction) is where the rubber meets the road for subcontractor (product) compliance. It is also special projects’ (consumer) feedback for the purchasing department (supplier). After collecting empirical data from subcontractor evaluations, completing a review of the literature and conducting expert interviews, this report has from the consumer’s perspective that discuss overall rate of satisfaction, the method by which the results of the evaluation were illustrated, and the factors influencing satisfaction. This research organized three ways to compare the empirical evaluation results, using their scores, rank and satisfaction. Using satisfaction to show is easier to give management overall and concrete data. Another of the study, expert practical management experience to establish five research hypotheses, statistical research project between the structural patterns and differences in satisfaction with the empirical data by the average difference inference, geographical factors, cost and regional price and other factors on satisfaction Conclusion of each display case-by-case project satisfaction No lift, but the cost and the price of the ad hoc regional satisfaction factors, can provide manufacturers create reference and recommended the project to create a careful consideration differences in characteristics when making plant project purchase, timely purchase option or a management policy adjustments and corrections. It is recommended that builders working on special projects exercise caution when purchasing: consider the differences and unique aspects of special projects, and the timely procurement of subcontractors, as well as adjusting and correcting management strategies. In conclusion, builders, upon completion of special projects should take a macro look at the feedback data from subcontractor evaluations. In addition to providing overviews and discussions to collect information at the conclusion of work, during the compliance process builders should frequently visit the special project job site to inquire and exchange ideas, and adjust purchasing in a timely manner. The strategies for selecting subcontractors must definitely be able to gradually improve builders’ overall level of service.


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