  • 學位論文


A Study on Governmental Regulations of Teacher’s Competence Qualifications in the Compulsory Education- Focus on Public Elementary School Teachers

指導教授 : 李建良


本研究從對流浪教師的關懷出發,以公立國民小學教師的視角,探討國家對國民教育師資規制之正當性。受國民教育是憲法明定的權利,也是義務;國家為了實現國民教育,對師資施加各種規制,以確保教師素質,但同時也限制了教師個人權利。 職前教育與資格檢定,是國家所設定的教師專業知能標準,有助於培養教師專業能力,此一規制未對有志成為教師者形成過度負擔。但在實踐層面上,由於目前暫停開設學士後師資學分班,因此對於已具大學文憑之社會人士,必須考研究所或再讀一次大學才能成為教師,並不合理。 以自費為主的師資管制人力資源策略,導致儲備教師大量湧入市場、師資供需嚴重失衡、教師公開甄選錄取率屢創新低。在市場競爭效果有限的狀況下,國家應謹慎實施以數量追求品質的策略,降低對工作權的限制。 教師法第十四條規定了契約解消與成立限制的法定事由,並訂有契約解消的法定程序。「行為不檢有損師道」被宣告違憲後,雖經修訂,但現行各款解消事由仍未能完全通過比例原則的檢驗。至於學校解聘、停聘、不續聘的決定,應是學校行使形成權,致契約效力終止或暫停,而教育主管機關之核准,係藉由審核來保護契約居於弱勢一方之教師。 教師對學校關於個人之具體措施提起訴訟時,公立學校教師會在程序上被駁回,但私立學校教師則否。有行政處分才有救濟的思維,與人的身份結合,形成特定身份之人,其訴訟權就受到限制,此一權利救濟的錯誤觀念,應盡早揚棄。 教師取得更高學歷後申請薪級改敘,雖經教師待遇條例解決了進修期間年資計算的問題,但卻產生了公餘與全時進修之間的差別待遇。薪級制度早於教師法之訂定,如今教師薪資應該回歸契約之法理,由學校和教師自行議定,規定最低薪資和最低加薪幅度即為已足。 實現國民教育不能只從師資數量管制著手,也應該在聘任關係中提昇教師素質。臺灣教師評鑑的方向應該是教師自主專業成長,而「教師專業發展評鑑」此一模式能使教師與學校在和諧的氣氛中尋求向上提昇的機會,值得推廣。 本研究建議,應從契約關係之法理,檢討修正師資規制法制,並對不同教育階段教師制定不同規範;同時重視教師素質的維持,實施以培養專業能力為目標的教師評鑑,在教師數量與市場競爭之外,找尋提昇教育品質之路。


This study is a voyage from cares for “vagabond teachers” to the examination of governmental regulations on teacher’s competence qualifications in the compulsory education, focusing on elementary school teachers. To be enlightened by the minimum education is a constitutional right and a constitutional duty. In order to facilitate the minimum education, the government enforces regulations on teacher’s competence qualifications and thus eclipses teacher’s individual rights. A teacher’s right to work, the right to equality, and the right of litigation are discussed in this study. The mandatory training and the certificate, as requirements of being a teacher, are corresponding with the competence in educational profession. It seems reasonable but falls short in practice. Pausing post-Bachelor training program forces prospective teachers into a second Bachelor degree or a Master degree, causing a waste of time and money. The unrestrained issuing of certificates led to an extremely low percentage of becoming a teacher, which can be regarded as an infringement of the right to work. It is impractical to expect the quality of education without the evaluation of the teacher’s competence. Article 14 of Teacher’s Act, the legal institution to disemploy a teacher, still cannot survive the principle of proportionality after the amendment. The approval of the government authority should accordingly shelter teachers from the wrongful decision of the school. The inequality between public and private school teachers embodies in the fact that public school teachers have no right to file a lawsuit under certain circumstances. It reminds us that the outdated theory of “special power relationship” is still haunting within the law system and need to be fixed. Teacher Remuneration Act discourages teachers from pursuing a higher degree on leaves, and there are no substantial evidences of a better educational quality under this policy. The legal institution of the regulations on teachers needs a thorough scrutiny and a reconstruction to harmonize with the contractual relationship between schools and teachers. Customized rules should be applied to different levels of school to meet different educational demands. The balance between the competition in the human resource market and the evaluation of the teacher’s competence is nothing else but the key to a better quality of education


