  • 學位論文


A Study on Wen-Dan Pomelo Industry in Bali District of New Taipei City

指導教授 : 雷立芬
共同指導教授 : 顏建賢(Chien-Hsien Yen)


文旦柚在臺灣的消費型態與中秋節之節慶需求密不可分,但果實成熟期受植物特性所限,約在二十四節氣中的白露前後一週成熟,而白露與中秋節間之日數因農曆潤月關係,年年差異甚遠,故而深深影響著文旦柚市場。臺灣文旦柚產區主要以台南市麻豆區、花蓮縣瑞穗鄉、玉里鎮、壽豐鄉、新北市八里區、雲林縣斗六市、宜蘭縣冬山鄉、三星鄉、苗栗縣西湖鄉等地,其中以八里區文旦柚生產面積及產量與市場,均介於全國文旦柚產區排名之第三位,足以反映全國文旦柚產業狀態,特選八里區文旦柚產業為例,進行深入研究分析,探討文旦柚市場的產銷現況及最佳產銷商業模式,藉以提供業界參考。 新北市八里區位在北臺灣淡水河口左岸,觀音山西側,西曬充足、夏季乾旱加上海風適度吹襲,特殊的地理環境,孕育出風韻獨特、香甜味美的「八里文旦」,雖然沒有歷史演進的光環,及顯赫的背景故事所襯托與包裝,但在文旦柚產業衰敗期間,確能逆勢成長一枝獨秀,甚至被譽為「北八里、南麻豆」。八里文旦具有之優勢及機會,將在本研究中透過柚農的問卷調查彙整,應用SWOT分析法分析,八里文旦柚產業的內部優勢、劣勢,及外部的機會與威脅,並一一說明提供業界效仿。 另一方面為深入探索瞭解八里文旦柚的產銷運作模式,本研究依據Osterwalder & Pigneur(2010)及彭雅欣、顏建賢(2015)設計之九大商業元素內涵與訪談大綱,深度訪問具有創新產銷模式與專業生產的9位柚農,詳實紀錄歸類出三大文旦柚產銷商業模式類型,一為專業生產直銷型、二為體驗休閒直銷型、三為休閒餐飲直銷型,可提供業界學習與參考,若能輔以藍海策略的四項行動架構(消除、降低、提高與創造)用來修改文旦柚柚農自己現有的產銷商業模式,定可開創出更有競爭力的文旦柚產銷商業模式。


八里 文旦柚 中秋節 SWOT分析 商業模式


Consumers need for Wen-Dan pomelo in Taiwan is linked with Mid -Autumn Festival. However the harvest season of Wen-Dan pomelo is not quite matched with Mid -Autumn Festival, which results in the Wen-Dan pomelo price fluctuations. The original source of Taiwan Wen-Dan pomelo are mainly from Tainan Madou Dist.; Hualien Ruisui, Yuli and Shoufeng Township; New Taipei Bali Dist.; Yunlin County Douliou; Yilan Dongshan and Sanxing Township,; and Miaoli Xihu Township. Among these original places, the production area and volume of Bali Dist. are ranked third so to reflect the status of Taiwan Wen-Dan Pomelo industry. Hence, the cultivation and sales model and business model of Bali Wen-Dan pomelo industry were chosen to be the study case. Bali Dist., New Taipei City stands on the left bank of the Tamsui River mouth, which is in the Northern Taiwan, and on the west side of the Guanyin Mountain. It’s dry weather and exposed to the afternoon sun and offshore winds in summer. The place abounds with flavored and sweet Bali Wen-Dan pomelo due to the special geographic environment. Even without the halo effect from the legendarily historical background, the Bali Wen-Dan pomelo business still moves against the tide and experiencing growing sales. How are these happening? This paper will illustrate the strengths and weakness of Bali Wen-Dan pomelo has, and the opportunities and threats it faces by SWOT analysis for industry reference. In order to discover the cultivation and sales model of Bali Wen-Dan pomelo, this study interviewed 9 Wen-Dan pomelo farmers with innovative cultivation and sales model according to the interview guidance designed by Osterwalder & Pigneur (2010) and Ya-Hsin Peng & Chien-Hsien Yen (2015). The findings may be summarized in three types of business model, including production - direct marketing type, recreational experience - direct marketing type, and catering -direct marketing type. These business models used in conjunction with the four initiatives from Blue Ocean Strategy to modify current Bali Wen-Dan pomelo business model would be much more competitive.


