  • 學位論文


Effectiveness Evaluation Based on Electroencephalography and Electrocardiography Analysis for Robotic Therapeutic Massage Application

指導教授 : 羅仁權


按摩是一個古老且流傳已久的醫療方法,除了讓人放鬆之外,也增進身體的健康。按摩也常被視為治療過程中的一部份。由於醫療照護與老人照護上的需求與日俱增,許多研究致力於發展自動化的照護系統,希望能夠解決醫護人力的不足,並且增進醫療的品質。因此,近年來自動化的按摩治療是一項熱門發展中的技術。 雖然有很多的研究提出自動化按摩治療系統,但這些研究都沒有針對受到按摩者的生理訊號反應去分析並證明他們所提出的自動化按摩系統。在這篇論文當中使用類人形的雙手臂機器人發展按摩之應用,這是前所未見的。除此之外,我也們量測受按摩者的生理訊號做為評估療效的指標。 實驗使用一台在NTU-iCeiRA所研發的類人形的雙手臂機器人作為硬體平台發展按摩治療的應用,相比於其他自動化按摩器具,雙手臂的機器人可以透過卡式座標或關節座標下的阻抗控制提供多樣的按摩手法。 為了評估受測者在被機器人按摩時放鬆的程度並且提出客觀的指標,我們量測了受測者被按摩前後的腦電圖及心電圖並加以分析。在腦電圖的部份,先使用獨立成份分析法去除原始腦電圖信號中的干擾,經過一連串的信號處理後,分別計算delta、alpha、beta這三個頻帶的功率來做前後比較。而在心電圖方面,透過分析心律變異度中的多項特徵,包含HR、SDNN、RMSSD及pNN50,可以評估機器人按摩後使人放鬆的效果。 在實驗結果中,腦電圖信號在上述三個頻帶的變化會與文獻中受到按摩師按摩的結果作比較。而心電圖的分析部份,心律變異度中的各項特徵也會拿來與文獻做比較,並實際提供對照組做驗證。實驗結果顯示大多數的受測者在受到機器人按摩之後,腦電圖及心電圖的特徵與按摩師按摩有相同的趨勢,感到放鬆。這個實驗結果證明了這篇論文當中提出的機器人按摩療程是具有效果的。


Therapeutic massage is an ancient technique, which promotes human relaxation and enhances health of human body. It is considered as a part of complementary and alternative medicine. Due to increased demand for healthcare, including medical and elderly cares, many kinds of research dedicate to the development of autonomous healthcare and elderly care systems in resolving the shortage of caregivers and increase the medical quality. Therefore, automated massage system is desirable. Although many researches focus on developing automated massage system, they didn’t measure the biomedical signal of the subjects to prove the effectiveness of their system. This thesis is the first research using an anthropomorphic dual arm robot to develop massage application. Besides, we measure the biomedical signal of the subjects who received our robotic massage as the clues of the effectiveness. An anthropomorphic dual arm robot is developed in our NTU-iCeiRA Lab for therapeutic massage application. In order to evaluate the effects of robotic massage, Electroencephalography (EEG) and Electrocardiography (ECG) signal of the subject are analyzed. Compare to other massage systems, our dual arm robot can provide diversified massage techniques through the impedance control of both Cartesian space and joint space. To evaluate the feelings of relaxation for those subjects being massaged with a more objective indicator, EEG and ECG signal of subjects are measured before and after massage manipulation. In EEG analysis approach, Independent Components Analysis (ICA) is used to filter out artifacts of EEG signals. After signal processing, the power spectrum of delta, alpha and beta rhythms are analyzed. On the other hand, the features of heart rate variability (HRV) of ECG signal, including mean HR, SDNN, RMSSD and pNN50, are extracted and analyzed to evaluate the effectiveness of robotic massage. In experimental results, the variations of EEG signal in power of three different frequency bands are compared with literature which the massage action was conducted by therapist. In addition, the ECG signals are collected both experimental group and control group and the HRV of ECG signals are analyzed. The experimental results show that most subjects felt relaxed after the robotic massage. The results also provide the instrumental evidence of the robotic therapeutic massage effects presented in this thesis.


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