  • 學位論文


Political and Economic Analysis of the Cross-Strait ECFA under the Global Regional Economic Integration

指導教授 : 蕭全政


為協助業者拓展中國大陸市場,台灣政府於2010年與中國大陸簽署《兩岸經濟合作架構協議》(ECFA),但ECFA僅為架構協議,須完成後續之服務貿易協議及貨品貿易協議才能發揮最大效果。台灣對外市場除對岸中國大陸外,在全球區域經濟整合上亦須積極參與,近年來國際間區域經濟整合協定的數量不僅快速增加,各種自由貿易協定(FTA)/經濟合作協定(ECA)的數量與規模也不斷擴大,逐漸由雙邊走向區域化;其中,又以亞洲地區最明顯,整合進展也最快。 兩岸關係鑲嵌在全球區域經濟整合範疇,在金融海嘯與歐債危機後,全球經濟成長重心逐漸東移。台灣目前的最佳策略就是融入以美國為關鍵的「跨太平洋夥伴協定」(TPP)及以東協為核心的「區域全面經濟夥伴協定」(RCEP),將全球市場轉變成國內市場,使所有台灣企業與外國企業在國際市場上公平競爭。 本研究爰依歷史結構脈絡,分析相關行為者(actor)的「偏差」及相關行為者其利害得失之偏差動員,如何依其自身稟賦(endowments)追求利益。並透過探討全球區域經濟整合的背景及其因果關連,分析兩岸ECFA的後續推動,對臺灣加入跨太平洋夥伴協定(TPP)與區域全面經濟夥伴協定(RCEP)的可能意義。


To assist the industry to expand the China market, the Taiwan government signed the " Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement " (ECFA) with China in 2010, but the ECFA is only an architectural agreement,Taiwan has to complete the follow-up of the Trade in Services Agreement and Trade in Goods Agreement in order to maximize the effect. In recent years, the number of international agreements on regional economic integration has not only increased rapidly, but the number and scale of various FTA / EACs have also been expanding. In addition, the number of FTA /EACs gradually from the bilateral to regional; which again the most obvious in Asia, integration is also the fastest progress. Cross-strait relations embed in the global integration of regional economic areas, after the financial crisis and the debt crisis in Europe, the focus of global economic growth gradually eastward. The current best strategy for Taiwan is to integrate the The Trans-Pacific Partnership(TPP)with the United States as the key and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) with ASEAN as the core, transforming the global market into the domestic market.Enable all of the Taiwan enterprises and foreign enterprises in the international market to fair competition. Based on the historical structure, this study analyzes the "deviation" of the actors and the bias of the relevant actors in the mobilization of bias, and how to pursue the interests according to their own endowments. And analyzes of the cross-strait ECFA promotion to Taiwan's accession to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership(RCEP) by discussing the background and causality of the rapid global economic integration.


