  • 學位論文


Linking Cultural Ecosystem Services and Human Well-being

指導教授 : 李建堂


生態系為人類社會帶來的巨大效益,稱為生態系服務。隨著人們改變自然能力的提升,對生態系的衝擊也增加,除了降低其服務效益,進而可能影響到人類福祉,近來受到越來越多關注。但是對生態系服務本身,尤其是其中的文化生態系服務,以及其與人類福祉的關聯,目前的了解仍然有限。因此,本研究以陽明山國家公園內八煙聚落的水梯田復育作為研究區域,探討文化生態系服務與人類福祉的關聯。 本研究以2005年千禧生態系服務評估為主要概念架構。藉由文獻回顧、現地觀察及居民訪談,擬定水梯田生態系初步的文化生態系服務評估指標,再由水梯田文化生態系服務專家進行修正,形成最終的評估指標,並以八煙當地居民為對象,進行文化生態系服務評估的問卷調查。本研究同時採用過往研究所形成的人類福祉評估指標,對當地居民進行問卷調查。最後利用兩項調查結果,分析文化生態系服務中美學、休閒與地方感三個類別與人類福祉中健康和社會關係兩個組成之間的具體連結,確立文化生態系服務與人類福祉的關聯性。 研究結果指出,納入當地居民及有關專家的意見,有助於將主觀抽象的文化生態系服務形成評估指標並進行量化。問卷調查指出,本研究形成的文化生態系服務評估指標具良好信度,其中地方感、休閒向度評估結果較佳,美學向度則偏低,且會受到當地居民謀生方式所影響。人類福祉評估結果指出,當地居民對於當前生活十分滿意,僅社會關係向度受到當地居民之間互動關係差異的影響,評估結果略低且變動較大。在文化生態系服務與人類福祉的關聯上,美學與健康有低度相關,地方感與健康、社會關係中度相關,休閒與健康有低度相關,同時發現美學與休閒向度,與居民的身體健康較有關聯,而非心理健康。


The huge benefits brought by ecosystems to the human society are referred to as ‘ecosystem services.’ As people have more ability to change nature, the impact of human beings on the ecosystem has increased and thus resulted in fewer benefits, which may affect human well-being. There has been rising attention to this issue. Currently, however, we have little understanding of ecosystem services, in particular that of the cultural ecosystem service and its relationships with human well-being. Therefore, research on the restoration of terraced paddies at Bayan Settlement in the Yangmingshan National Park is being conducted to explore the linkage between cultural ecosystem services and human well-being. The research is based on the Millennium Ecosystem Service Assessment in 2005. By means of literature reviews, field observation and interviews with local residents, the preliminary indicators of cultural ecosystem services of terraced paddies are established. The indicators are further modified and refined by experts of the field to form the final indicators, which are used in questionnaires of local residents to evaluate cultural ecosystem services. In this study, human well-being assessment indicators developed by previous research are also used in the other questionnaires to survey local residents. The results of both surveys are used to analyze the relations between cultural ecosystem services, (which are divided into three categories: aesthetics, leisure, and the sense of being local) and human well-being, (of which health and social relations are the two components) in order to establish the connections between them. The results show that the combination of opinions of both locals and experts helps to transform the cultural ecosystem services, which are quite subjective and abstract, into practical indicators for quantification. The consequences of the questionnaire demonstrate that the indicators developed by this study are of good credibility. Among them, we find that aspects of sense of place and leisure get higher scores, while that of aesthetics gets a lower score due to different means of livelihood of local people. The consequences of the evaluation of human well-being show that local residents are very satisfied with their lives. However, social relations alone are affected by the different interactions between local residents. The evaluation of social relations gets a lower score and indicates larger changes. Finally, concerning the connections between cultural ecosystem services and human well-being, aesthetics is slightly correlated with health, sense of place is moderately correlated with health and social relations, and leisure shows a slight correlation with health. At the same time, we also find that aesthetics and leisure are more correlated with local people’s physical than with their mental health.


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