  • 學位論文


The Scope of Disciplinary Measures for the Unauthorized Actions Conducted Illegally by Civil Servants

指導教授 : 陳淳文


公務員懲戒法於2015年5月20日修正公布,並自2016年5月2日施行,修正後第二條明定公務員非執行職務之違法行為,須嚴重損害政府之信譽,始得予以懲戒。因屬不確定法律概念,本研究以懲戒實務及受懲戒案例為中心,研提相關標準。 第一,職務外區分標準方面。懲戒實務上,凡執行職務本身(含不作為),以及與其執行有關連等其他失職行為以外者,均為職務外的範圍。 第二,職務外懲戒標準方面。一、主要標準:(一)違反公務員法定義務:凡違反法律基於公務員職務關係而特別加諸於公務員之義務者,不論職務身分,原則懲戒,僅例外於不具重要性之犯行不懲戒。至於有違公務員服務法第五條保持品位義務,且未同時違反其他法定義務而僅觸犯刑事法令規章等,比照違反一般法律規定之懲戒標準。(二)違反一般法律規定:凡違反對任何公民皆適用之一般法律規定者,依職務身分,警員原則懲戒,僅例外於不具重要性之犯行不懲戒。非警員原則不懲戒,僅例外於情節嚴重者懲戒。二、輔助標準:首先,輕微罪建議參考舊制未涉及職場之過失傷害、公然侮辱等的申誡案件特徵。其次,情節嚴重者則參考舊制降級以上處分案件之特徵。 經檢視懲戒新制上路後的職務外案例,初步驗證前揭判準可行,惟因其係以舊制為基礎,加以新制案件有限,有待未來參照更多案例,據以補實相關判定方式及標準,使其臻於完備。


The Public Functionary Discipline Act was amended on May 20, 2015. It was implemented from May 2, 2016. The amended Article 2 stipulates that unauthorized and illegal actions conducted by a civil servant shall not be disciplined, unless it seriously jeopardizes the credibility of the Government. Because it is an uncertain concept, we try to establish the scope of the disciplinary measures. First, the scope of the unauthorized actions conducted illegally by the civil servant is outside of the performance of his/her duty (including tardiness in carrying out duty) and the relevant misconduct of executing the said duty. Second, the disciplinary measures for the unauthorized actions conducted illegally by the civil servant include the principal standard and subsidiary standard below: 1. Principal standard: (1)Violation of the legal duty: The relationship between the civil servant and the state is a legal duty. Anyone who contravenes the laws founded on this special relationship, should be disciplined except in the case of petty offences. Those who violate Article 5 of the Public Functionary Service Act (but with the exception of other legal duties) and break criminal or other laws contemporaneously, should be disciplined in the light of the standard which apply only to the violation of criminal or other laws or rules. (2)Only violation of criminal or other laws or rules: Policemen should be disciplined except in the case of petty offences. Non-policemen should not be disciplined except if involved in a significant matter. 2. Subsidiary standard: The measure of petty offence refers to the characteristics of cases where subjects were reprimanded for causing both negligent bodily harm, or public insults which did not take place in the working area. The measure of a significant matter refers to the characteristics of the cases in which a subject is disciplined seriously, such as a demotion, suspension or dismissal from his/her office. Using the newly decided cases to verify the aforementioned standards, it is feasible. Since the standards are based on the old system and the number of cases are not enough. More cases should be referenced in the future to complement the relevant measures, in order to make it more complete.


