  • 學位論文


Service Robot Industry Development Strategy —a company A, for example

指導教授 : 翁崇雄


智慧服務機器人已成為現代社會發展中不可缺少的部分,隨全球人口老齡化趨勢,勞動力成本上升等社會問題,智慧服務機器人已經越來越受到國內外學術界、產業界的重視。中國未來也將面臨勞動力短缺的狀況,人口紅利也將隨之消失。智慧服務機器人在國內的普及成為必然。目前世界上至少有25個國家正在發展智慧服務型機器人,技術處於前列的國家有美國、法國、德國、日本和韓國。2014年中國智慧服務機器人僅占全球服務機器人市場的4.5%,市場潛力大,目前國內少數企業積極佈局智慧服務機器人領域,另外,2015年我國服務機器人銷售額為20億元,根據《規劃》的要求,到2020年,智慧服務機器人的年銷售收入在300億元以上,預計2016-2020年複合增長率為71.8%。市場剛性需求與政策雙向推動,加之技術逐漸成熟,中國智慧服務機器人放量可期。 本文以A公司為例,運用PEST、SWOT、波特“五力”等戰略理論,對A公司未來的戰略定位做出分析。 本文通過對智慧服務機器人領域的競爭和核心技術闡述,分析A公司業內的內外部環境,揭示了A公司在智慧服務機器人產業所面臨的機遇和挑戰,借此制定了A公司的戰略目標、定位、競爭和職能戰略。 本文的研究成果,對A公司的發展具有一定指導意義,同時也可以為行業公司的提供借鑒和參考。


Intelligent service robot has become an indispensable part in the development of modern society, with the tendency of the global population aging, rising labor costs and other social problems, the intelligent service robot has been more and more domestic and foreign academic circles and industry circles. China's future will also face a shortage of labor situation, the demographic dividend will disappear. The popularity of intelligent service robots in China is inevitable. At present, there are at least 25 countries in the world are developing intelligent service robots, the technology is in the forefront of the country with the United States, France, Germany, Japan and South Korea. 2014 China intelligent service robot accounted for 4.5% of the global service robot market, large market potential, at present a few domestic enterprises to actively layout intelligent service robots, service robots in addition, in 2015 China's sales of 2 billion yuan, according to the "planning" requirements, by 2020, annual sales of intelligent service robot in more than 30 billion yuan, is expected to 2016-2020 compound annual growth rate of 71.8%. Market rigid demand and policy two-way drive, coupled with the gradual maturity of the technology, China's intelligent service robot volume can be expected. This paper takes A company as an example, the use of PEST, SWOT, Potter "Five" competition strategy theory, make the analysis on the strategic positioning of A company in the future. This paper describes the intelligent service robot in the field of competition and the core technology, the industry analysis of A company's internal and external environment, reveals the A company in the intelligent service robot industry is facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges, to formulate the strategic objectives, A positioning, competition and strategy. The research results of this paper have a certain guiding significance for the development of A company, but also can provide reference for the industry company.


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