  • 學位論文


The Evaluations on Qin Kuai in the Southern Song Dynasty

指導教授 : 方震華


在中國歷史上,提到遺臭萬年的歷史人物,秦檜是經常被討論的對象之一。但後世有關秦檜的負面評價,是否真實反映了他原本的面貌,則需要進一步探究。本文嘗試從政治史的角度考察秦檜形象與評價在南宋時期的演變,並說明其意義。 靖康末年,女真軍事佔領開封後,秦檜向金人上議狀,請求保存趙氏,為自己贏得了忠義的名聲。秦檜隨即被金人俘虜至北方,後來逃歸南宋;當時雖有人懷疑他的南歸並不單純,卻也無法抹殺他在靖康末年建立的忠義形象。秦檜一回到南方就鼓吹和議,並且升遷快速,但不久就在與呂頤浩的權力鬥爭中落敗而罷相。秦檜罷相的主要理由是結黨擅權,而不是提倡議和。紹興六年十二月,秦檜在張浚和輿論的支持下重新回到朝廷,顯示他在士大夫圈中依然擁有很高的聲望,他原先的主和立場也沒有妨礙素來主戰的張浚對於他的信任。但隨著對金和議的進行,秦檜開始遭受到反和派的嚴厲抨擊。紹興十一年底和議達成,秦檜的形象與評價轉趨負面,包括殺害岳飛、及在專權期間打壓思想言論及排除異己等政治作為,都成為日後人們批評他的重要理由。 紹興三十一年,金海陵王率大軍南侵,南宋主戰的官員、士人為了打破長期以來習慣於和議的氛圍與安定感,透過批判秦檜、平反主戰的代表人物來激勵民心、士氣,說明秦檜負面評價的產生,與紹興晚期政治局勢的變化有密切的關連性。孝宗即位後,雖有志於恢復北方故土,但表面上仍維持著和、戰並行的策略。此時主和官員已不再以秦檜作為榜樣,如史浩就批評他過於專權;理學家不僅批評秦檜的專權及和議政策,更強調和議造成國家上下忘卻復仇大義,破壞人倫綱常,已把和戰爭議提高到了道德的層次。 到了寧宗初年,韓侂胄掌權,銳意北伐。主戰派官員企圖利用追貶秦檜爵位、更改諡號的手段,激勵士氣,打擊和議的正當性。岳珂也在他們的支持下,重建祖父岳飛的歷史,除了強調為國復仇,也形塑了岳飛主戰、秦檜主和的忠、奸對立形象。但在開禧北伐失利、主和派的史彌遠掌權後,秦檜的官爵、諡號重新被恢復,說明政治氛圍的轉變直接影響到秦檜的評價與地位。從寧宗後期到理宗時代,主張和議為誤國的輿論逐漸形成主流,秦檜因此受到嚴厲的批評,甚至被塑造出一個賣國的形象。當時士大夫經常引用偽稱金人所撰的《南遷錄》,證明秦檜是被金人縱歸,受命主導和議,出賣南宋的利益。於是,秦檜從不顧道德綱常的「奸相」,轉而成為出賣國家利益的「奸細」。 《南遷錄》的廣為流傳,背後隱含強烈的政治意義:當南宋面對的外敵已是沒有歷史仇恨的蒙古,復仇之說不再適合作為批評和議的論據;詆毀秦檜是金朝的代理人,將和議指為秦檜賣國的手段,正使和議失去正當性。由此可知,秦檜的形象在南宋演變及定型化的過程中,持續受到各種政治力的介入和牽引,顯示歷史人物評價與政治變遷的互動關係。


秦檜 和議 復仇 南宋政治史


Qin Kuai(秦檜) is often referred as an evil official in Chinese history. In fact, it remains question whether his negative image as perceived by most people nowadays can truly reflect his real actions, which led to the research question of this thesis. Through studying the evaluations on Qin Kuai in the Southern Song dynasty, this thesis tries to explore how political factors influenced historic records. In the early Southern Song period, Qin Kuai enjoyed reputation for his loyalty to the Song emperor. When the Jurchen troops occupied Kaifeng, Qin Kuai suggested the Jurchen leaders to maintain the Chao family’s imperial status. As a consequence of that event, Qin Kuai has been perceived as a loyal Song official, but he was arrested to the Jurchen territory, along with the Song emperors. Three years later, in 1130, Qin Kuai returned to the Song court, and received quick promotions from Emperor Gaozong, although some officials questioned that his return was an intentional design by Jurchen leaders. Receiving the support from Kaozong, Qin Kuai advocated a peaceful negotiation with the Jurchen. The two countries finally reached agreement in 1141, and Qin Kuai became the main figure who made the Song return to peace. To reward his contributions, Emperor Gaozong let Qin Kuai control the government until his death in 1155. In 1161, the Jurchen army invaded the Song, which proved the unreliability of peaceful treatment, so the bellicose officials of Southern Song began to criticize Qin Kuai’s policy. Under this circumstance, Qin Kuai's evaluation turned to the other sided. Although Emperor Xiaozong remained peaceful relationship with the Jurchen, his intention to recover the northern China helped to maintain the bellicose opinions in the court. The scholar of Neo-Confucianism especially criticized that the peace treaty as causing people’s ignorance to the nation’s revanchism and destructed the moral principles of Confucianism. In the early years of Emperor Ningzong era, Han Tuozhou(韓侂冑)controlled the court and planned to launch campaign against the Jurchen. The bellicose officials attempted to demote Qin Kuai’s title of nobility and changed his posthumous name. Those were all done with the strong purpose to stimulate people’s feeling to correlate with the war and the attempt to undermine the legitimacy of the peace’s treaty.Not only that, those bellicose officials also created a loyalty image of Yue Fei(岳飛)and aimed to build the image of Qin Kuai’s as a traitor. However, after the defeat of the Northern invasion in Kaixi era, Qin Kuai’s title of nobility and posthumous name were restored. This fact indicates that the change of political policies directy affected Qin Kuai’s evaluation and image. In the Emperor Lizong era, the Southern Song’s scholars and officials often referred a book name as Nanqian Lu(南遷錄)to support the argument that Qin Kuai was perceived as a “spy” who betrayed the interests of the nation. The bellicose officials slandered Qin Kuai that he was the agent of the Jin leaders and accused him that the peaceful negotiation was his pathway to betray the nation which aimed to demonstrate that the peace treatment was detrimental to the future of their state. At the same time, it also destroyed legitimacy of the effort to reach agreement with their northern rivals. As the result, the change of the evaluations on Qin Kuai in the Southern Song dynasty highly depended on various political factors.


