  • 學位論文

德國長期照顧保險制度之探討 - 誰照顧你:公營長照?民營長照?

German Long Term Care Insurance System - Who cares: Public or Private?

指導教授 : 李賢源


本論文係針對德國的長期照顧保險制度深入分析,並且有系統的介紹該制度的歷史沿革,累積經驗後進行一連串的變革,及其結構與特性。論文的重點之一是根據《第二部長照強化法》於今年1月1日才實施適用的「照顧需求」定義,及將過去的3個失能等級改為5個失能程度的「新評量系統」,因為新制度施行至今才半年,國內中文文獻對此議題的討論不多,因此在本論文將詳加介紹作為評定標準的六個模組,並且對於新舊制度的對比移轉,以圖表方式闡述。在保險給付方面,也因為新制度的實施而更加充實。 透過本論文的分析得知,德國的長期照顧保險制度雖為法定強制的社會保險,但已朝向多元化的方向發展,讓民營的保險公司也參與社會保險的運作,以增加市場競爭力及提升服務的品質。此外,民眾可以自由投保的民營商業保險在長照體系中,亦扮演著不可或缺的角色,因此德國政府也制定鼓勵方案,補貼民眾購買商業長照保險。 我國在民國104年6月3日公布「長期照顧服務法」,今年6月3日上路,為長照的資源整合及資源建置跨出第一步,同時,政府正全力推動「長照十年計畫2.0」,以加速長照服務資源發展。從本論文研究德國長照保險的經驗啟示,了解一個制度的建立決不是一蹴可幾,德國實施全民長照保險超過20年的經驗,才發展出今日完整的長照體系。雖然我國終因政治環境、經濟條件及社會文化差異,不可能完全移植複製德國的制度,但本論文提出將保險對象擴大至全體國民、朝向多元被保險人發展、參考德國最新制定的長照定義及評定標準、讓商業保險成為長照體系的助力等幾項建議,希望對於我國未來實施長照有所貢獻。


This thesis analyses German Long Term Care (LTC) Insurance System in-depth. It provides a systematical introduction of its historical developments, a series of reforms after gaining experience, and its structures and characteristics. A special focus is put on the “Pflegestärkungsgesetz” (LTC Strengthening Law) which was implemented on 1 Jaunary 2017. The new law revises the LTC definition and LTC assessment standards, and enriches LTC benefits. At the time of writing this thesis, the new law is effective for only 6 months and not many studies and researches in Chinese are available. Therefore, this thesis describes the new 6 module system and explains the transformation from the old system to the new system using tables and graphics. It is found in this thesis that, despite of a social compulsory nature of German social security laws, German LTC Insurance allows diversification. That is, LTC scheme not only provided by the state government, but also allows commercial (or private) insurance companies to participate. As a result, market competition is enhanced and service quality is improved. Moreover, commercial insurance plays an important role in the LTC insurance system and therefore, German government also provides subsidies to promote private insurances. Taiwan launched its own “LTC Service Act” on 3 June 2015 and implemented it on 3 June 2017. It can be deems as a milestone of intergration of LTC service and management in our social LTC system. In addition to that, Taiwan government is enhancing the “LTC 10-Year Plan 2.0” which accelerates the development of LTC services. German experience told us that establishment of a social system cannot be completed in one step. German LTC Insurance system has undergone many changes and reforms for over 20 years to develop into today’s comprehensive scheme. Since many differences exist between Germany and Taiwan in terms of political environment, economic conditions, culture and mentalitites, it will not be appropriate to transfer the LTC system from one country to another. However, it’s still worthwhile to draw attention some successful parts of the German LTC Insurance system, such as a wide coverage for all people, multiple insurers, new LTC definition, new LTC assessment standards and commercial LTC insurance as a supplement. I hope that this thesis will benefit the future planning and progress of long term care system in Taiwan.


(8) 林玉英,2015年2月,從社會保險商業保險探討我國長期照護保險制度
(2) 王品,德國長期照顧保險效應分析 1995–2013,人文及社會科學集刊第二十七卷第一期(104/3):135–203
(1) Bundesministerium für Gesundheit. 2017. Pflegeleistungen ab 1. Januar 2015
(3) Bundesministerium für Gesundheit. 2016. Zahlen und Fakten zur Pflegeversicherung
(4) Bundesministerium für Gesundheit. 2017. Zahlen und Fakten zur Pflegeversicherung


