  • 學位論文


A Story on the Legal Status of Vietnamese Women (1428-1945): Confucianism and Modernization of Law

指導教授 : 王泰升


本論文以越南女性為主體,主要分為兩大部份,講述其法律地位在家庭關係中的演變過程。第一部份主要透過越南「傳統性」法典及法律書契釐清越南傳統法律文化對於婚姻家庭及女性法律地位的觀點;第二部份則探討越南女性法律地位在法屬時期的變遷,亦即殖民統治者如何面對及改造被殖民者固有的傳統法律文化。 地理上被劃入東南亞的越南,在文化上卻屬於「東亞文化圈」的文化共同體,共享儒家思想的觀念及價值,並深受漢字的影響。因此本論文的第一部份主要探討越南「法律儒教化」(Legal Confucianism)的過程。所謂「法律儒教化」,意指儒家思想的道德倫理(即「禮儀」或「禮」)內化成法律的一部份。本論文將以越南兩部「傳統性」律典(15世紀《國朝刑律》及19世紀《皇越律例》)及若干法律書契,透過描述越南傳統婚姻家庭觀及女性法律地位,探討儒家思想對越南傳統法律文化的影響。 第二部份則主要探討越南法律在法屬時期的「法律現代化」(Legal Modernization)。所謂「法律現代化」,無涉進步與否的價值判斷,而是指法律制度及實務在時間脈絡上的演變。殖民統治者在殖民期間,將西方社會進入近代後所發展出的觀念、價值及其法律制度,引進「落後」的殖民地,並希望「開化」根深蒂固受儒家思想影響的越南。為了統治的方便,法國殖民統治者將越南分成三大地區(北圻、中圻、南圻),並以不同手段直接或間接影響越南法律制度,形成「複數法制」(Legal Pluralism)的狀態。在引進西方私法的過程中,卻意外採取「尊重舊慣」而非與殖民母國一致的法律制度。然而,在「權利化」越南固有的「傳統性」法律時,仍不免勉強套用歐陸法的概念,導致若干失真或扭曲。 例如,深受儒家思想影響的越南傳統社會,在婚姻關係存續中要求妻子必須要順從丈夫。羅馬時期的西方傳統家庭亦存在類似觀念,即給予丈夫支配妻子的權力,並要求妻子服務及服從丈夫。兩者雖然有若干交集,但仍有不同之處。法國人在「權利化」兩性在法律上的權力時,雖然相當注意保留越南既有的「風俗習慣」,仍不免以西方社會所發展出的概念以理解當地情況,導致新制定法律規範悖離越南社會實踐的情形。反而使越南女性的法律地位受到更多限制。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the evolution of Vietnamese women’s legal status in family relations from ancient time until Vietnam came under French rule. The study is mainly divided into two parts. The first part uses Vietnamese “traditional” law and legal written documents to clarify the views of traditional Vietnamese legal culture on the legal status of Vietnamese women in marital and family relations. The second part explores the changes in the legal status of Vietnamese women under French colonial rule, that is, how the colonial government faces and transforms the traditional Vietnamese legal culture into modern Western-style law. Vietnam is commonly classified as a Southeast Asian country geographically. However, it culturally belongs to the “East Asian Cultural Sphere”, which share the ideas and values ​​of Confucianism and historically a common writing system. Therefore, the first part of this study mainly discusses the process of “Legal Confucianism” in Vietnam. The so-called “Legal Confucianism” means that Confucian ethics (especially “lễ”, “li” or “ritual”) became parts of the law. This part uses two traditional law codes (“Quốc Triều Hình Luật” in the 15th century and “Hoàng Việt Luật Lệ” in the 19th century) and a number of legal written documents to describe the legal status of Vietnamese women in traditional family relations, as well as the influence of Confucianism on traditional Vietnamese legal culture. The second part focuses on the “Legal Modernization” of the Vietnamese law during French colonial period. This part of study shows how French colonial government with its “civilizing mission” spread Western ideas, values, religions, as well as legal system to Vietnam – a country which was deeply rooted by the Confucian ideology. For the sake of domination, the French colonial government divided Vietnam into three regions (Bắc Kỳ, Trung Kỳ, Nam Kỳ), using direct and indirect ways to influence Vietnamese legal system, which later led to the phenomenon of “Legal Pluralism” – the existence of multiple legal systems within one country. In the process of introducing modern Western-style law intoto the colony, certain issues such as criminal law, tax system, commercial transactions, education,… were covered by colonial law, while other issues such as family and marriage were likely covered by traditional custom. Although the transformation of custom into law was carefully carried out by the colonial government, Vietnamese custom was unintentionally distorted by Western legal ideas. For example, traditional Vietnamese family, which was deeply influenced by Confucianism, required a wife to obey her husband in marital relations. Traditional Western family which influenced by Roman legal traditions, on the other hand, also had a similar idea which gave a husband the power over his wife, and asked the wife to serve and obey the husband. This idea is somewhat analogous in both legal cultures, still there are some differences. Although the French colonial government paid considerable attention to preserving the existing custom of the colony, it still inevitably used Western ideas and concepts to understand the local situation which made the new law go far away from the local social reality. As a result, Vietnamese women's legal status in French colonial period was, at some level, subjected to more additional restrictions.


1999 《台灣日治時期的法律改革》。臺北:聯經。
2010 《具有歷史思維的法學:結合台灣法律社會史與法律論證》。臺北:元照出版有限公司。
Protectorat du Tonkin
Bùi Bằng Đoàn et al., eds. 裴鵬摶(等編)
Gouvernement général de l’Indochine東洋全權大臣
