  • 學位論文


The Notion of Elegance and Vulgarity in Ci-poetry Theory in the Song Dynasty

指導教授 : 劉少雄


宋代詞學的重要議題為:本色論、正變論、以詩為詞、人品與詞品、雅化,而雅俗觀是這些議題產生與變化重要的文化心理因素。本論文探究宋代詞論中雅俗觀的發展,及其對詞學的影響。因此,筆者不限文獻類型,先溯源中晚唐五代文人對音樂文學的態度;再蒐羅自北宋至宋元之際之詞論,分析雅俗觀如何影響文人認知詞體,並因應詞體與其他文體美質之殊異。 各章深究詞論意涵、申論之背景與根據,及其與雅俗觀的關係,並依據詞學發展進程中的重大轉折,分出四期: 一、中晚唐北宋初期,士大夫意識到自己身分所擔負的社會責任,詞也必須雍容典雅,不涉豔情穢語。 二、北宋中晚期,蘇軾「以詩為詞」用詩的寫作方式創作詞,使詞具有詩的語言、品格、境界,使詞雅化;卻引起本色論者提出維護詞的音律和婉約風格。 三、南渡時期,世變使文人注重詞中《詩》〈騷〉精神,欲使詞雅正,抒發愛國憂思。 四、南宋中晚期,精緻詞的形式與內容,使之工雅、清雅。 再串聯各章,並加以分析,歷時性地呈現雅俗觀之演變。 本論文發現:「雅俗觀」為宋代詞論最主要的心理意識,由它產生了詞學的諸面向,包含「人與文之間的對應」、「詩詞辨體」、「世運與詞學發展」、「形式與內容」等重大詞學議題,經宋代奠基更為後世詞學的發展方向。故「雅俗觀」在詞學實具有跨時代、跨主題的重要性。


詞學 宋代詞論 雅俗觀 以詩為詞 本色論 雅化


This study focuses on the notion of elegance and vulgarity(in Chinese called "ya-su”雅俗), an important cultural-psychological factor that generated and influenced four main discourses in the theory of Ci-poetry in Song dynasty: the discourse of “Ben-se”(本色), “jeng-bian”(正變), “ya-hua”(雅化)and “yi-Shi-wei-Ci”(以詩為詞). By investigating texts gathered from all kinds of sources, this study first demonstrates literati’s attitude towards literature related to music from mid and late Tang to Five Dynasties, and then illustrates how the notion of elegance and vulgarity affected literati’s understanding of Ci-poetry and of the difference between Ci and other genres by analyzing discourses of Ci-poetry from Northern Song to early Yuan Synasty. According to the meaning of the discourse of Ci-poetry, its relationship with the notion of elegance and vulgarity and distinctive transformations of the study of Ci-poetry, this paper divides the history of Ci into four periods. The first period is from mid and late Tang to early Song, during which literati realized their identity and the accompanying social responsibility that required Ci-poetry to be elegant and to be without sensual expressions. The second period is mid and late Northern Song, in which Ci acquired the distinctive writing technique, characteristic and artistic conception of poetry due to Su Shi’s(蘇軾)creativity of “yi-Shi-wei-Ci”(以詩為詞), consequently resulting in a rival discourse of “ben-se”(本色)for preserving the elegant style and the rhyme of Ci. The next period is the transition from Northern Song to Southern Song, a crucial changing point that provoked literati to create Ci-poetry based on Shi-Jing(《詩》)and Li-Sau(〈騷〉)tradition, evoking patriotism. The last period is mid and late Southern Song, in which the form and content of Ci was further refined and the style of “cing”(清)was intentionally created. This paper argues that the notion of elegance and vulgarity as the most important mental aspect of the theory of Ci-poetry in the Song generates several issues of the study of Ci, including the correspondence of literati and literature, “Shi-Ci-bian-ti”(詩詞辨體), world destiny and the development of the study of Ci, and form and content. Through the formative period of Song, these issues further determine the direction of the development of Ci in the following centuries. The notion of elegance and vulgarity, therefore, has an importance that crosses ages.



