  • 學位論文

《宮尾本 平家物語》之女性形象-以平時子為中心-

The Representation of women in Miyaobon Heike Monogatari ―Focussed on Taira no Tokiko―

指導教授 : 陳明姿


日本現代女性作家宮尾登美子以古典文學《平家物語》為藍本,完成了全四卷的長篇歷史小說《宮尾本 平家物語》。以源平兩大武氏家族之間的爭戰為記述主體的日本中世軍記物語《平家物語》,對於女性角色的描寫較少也是無可厚非,然而對於作者宮尾登美子來說,男性登場人物記敘詳盡,女性登場人物卻只是為了烘托男性而存在這點相當不可思議,為此宮尾女士決心貫徹「以女性的角度書寫」進行創作。以女性作家視角完成的宮尾本之中,平時子是平家一門的中心要角,與平清盛成親之後,整頓平家女兒的婚事的同時,她也將親生女兒平德子送入皇后高位。在統領清盛死去之後,時子更是成為了平家的中心人物。這一點是宮尾本與古典平家諸版本最大的不同,因此以本論文探究《宮尾本 平家物語》之平時子女性形象。   本論文先對古典平家物語覺一本與延慶本之二位殿平時子女性形象進行考察,以及自登場到於壇之浦一戰中投海自盡為止,結合覺一本、延慶本以及史料一併考察宮尾本平時子形象。接著透過與宮尾本數名女性登場人物之比較,探究宮尾本平時子之特殊性,最後探究宮尾本平時子與作為底本的覺一本和延慶本之間的異同。《宮尾本 平家物語》中,平時子是凡事以平家一門的利益為絕對優先的女性,從以堂上平家女兒身分登場開始,宮尾女士將平時子描繪為精神堅韌、行事俐落能幹且能順利解決他人煩憂的女性,在與清盛成親後,為了一門團結,身為首領正室的時子不曾以任何手段壓迫才氣出眾的繼子。平時子是一名重視平家的利益,就連滅亡之際都想讓平家血脈延續下去的策略家。然而這也是最諷刺的一點,實際上《宮尾本 平家物語》之中平時子的活躍程度遠超越古典平家,卻依然無力回天。被描繪成冷靜聰慧策略家的平時子是作品中最為活躍的女性角色,無法扭轉乾坤的時子同時也深刻強調了宮尾本的悲劇性。


Miyaobon Heike Monogatari is a rewrite of the historical book Heike Monogatari by modern writer Miyao Tomiko. It is to be expected that in the original medieval book describing the war between the Taira and Minamoto clans there is not much attention for women. Even more, Miyao felt it was strange how the women's role were to be a sort of mirror of the man they were attached to. For this reason she decided to write her own version of the book from a woman's perspective. In Miyaobon, the lives of women are described in detail and Taira no Tokiko is given a central role in the Heike clan. When Tokiko maried Taira no Kiyomori she made sure all of her foster daughters were betrothed and had her own daughter marry into the imperial family. Later, when Kiyomori, the central pillar of the Heike clan, passed away she became the new leading figure of the clan. This is a clear difference from other versions of the Heike Monogatari which focus on the samurai. Therefore, this dissertation will focus on analyzing the female image of Taira no Tokiko. This dissertation will investigate the female image of the Kakuichibon and Enkyōbon versions of Ni'i-dono and Miyaobon's Taira no Tokiko from their first appearance until their suicide suicide by drowning at Dan no Ura by using the original texts and historical records. Furthermore, by comparing Tokiko with other female characters from the Miyaobon this dissertation will show the uniqueness of Miyao's Tokiko and how she is different from the original texts. Unlike the Tokiko seen in the Kakuichibon and the Enkyōbon the Tokiko in the Miyaobon is a woman who will do anything for the benefit of her clan. From the moment she takes the stage she shows that she is a strong-willed woman who skillfully devises plans and strategies for the Heike clan, which sits at the top of the noble court. To create unity in her clan, she pushes forward her capable stepson instead of her biological son who she deems incapable. Always focused on the interest of her clan she plots and strategises right up until the end, but she is unable to change her clan's fate. By showing Tokiko as a calm and collected strategist, who is the woman who made the greatest efforts in the Miyaobon, Miyao is able to show the tragedy of the character Tokiko in her book.


北原保雄・小川栄一(1990)『延慶本 平家物語 本文篇』(勉誠社)
北原保雄・小川栄一(1990)『延慶本 平家物語 索引篇』(勉誠社)
