  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of Jewel Tsai’s and Lim Kim Chern Dietetic Writings

指導教授 : 洪淑苓


本論文以蔡珠兒與林金城為重點研究對象。蔡珠兒成長於台灣,後來留學英國與居住香港;林金城曾在台灣留學與工作。由於這二位作家的身份與人生經歷相似,他們的飲食書寫作品中,討論的視角可以從童年記憶、居游國外經驗、本土書寫與身份認同部分去比較二位作家之飲食書寫經驗。 蔡珠兒成長於台灣,擁有英國與香港的居住經驗,多國的遊歷,讓她累積了許多不同國度的飲食經驗,並以中文系與文化研究的學術知識,用於飲食文學創作之中,所以在其作品,可以看出知性書寫的特質與關注飲食文化背後的社會觀察。 林金城身為馬來西亞華人,其飲食書寫著重於馬來西亞華人之飲食文化,並且帶有一種使命感,以嚴謹的態度去考究當地不同籍貫的華人食物與各種民族的飲食文化特色,從其作品中,可閱讀出馬來西亞多元文化的社會架構與不同民族之飲食文化交流,在這種複雜且多元性飲食國度,林金城更注重的是飲食文化中的「融合」與不同民族之和平相處。


In this paper, Jewel Tsai and Lim Kim Chern as key object of study. Jewel tsai grows in Taiwan, afterwards studied abroad England with to live Hong Kong; Lim Kim Chern once studied abroad in Taiwan and the work. Because these two writer's status and the life experience is similar, in their diet writing work, the discussion angle of view may from the childhood memory, occupy swims the overseas experience, the native place writes with the status approval part compares diet of writing experience two writer. Jewel Tsai grows at Taiwan, has England and Hong Kong's experience, multi-country's travelling for pleasure, let her accumulate many different state diet experiences, and by the Chinese department and the cultural research academic knowledge, used in during the diet literature creation, therefore in its work, might see knows the written special characteristic and behind the attention diet culture social observation. Lim Kim Chern is the Malaysian Chinese , its diet writing emphatically diet of culture in Malaysian Chinese people, and has one kind of sense of mission, goes to the elegant local different native place by the rigorous manner Chinese people food with each kind of nationality's diet culture characteristic, from its work, may read the Malaysian multicultural the social construction and the different national diet of cultural exchange, in this kind complex also the polytropic diet state, Lim Kim Chern pays great attention to is in the diet culture “the fusion” living in peace together of with the different national.


