  • 學位論文


The effect of different processing conditions on starch digestibility of dehulled adlay and the development of product for attenuating metabolic syndrome

指導教授 : 謝淑貞


近年來由於生活品質提升及生活型態改變,人們的生活習慣多趨向於缺乏運動及高糖高脂的飲食模式,進而導致高血壓、高血糖、高血脂、肥胖等慢性代謝疾病人口的增加。根據衛福部2016年國人十大死因統計發現,與代謝症候群相關疾病佔所有死因的31.2%,已超過癌症的27.7%,顯示代謝症候群已嚴重威脅國人健康,且代謝症候群會使患者罹患第二型糖尿病(type 2 diabetes mellitus, T2DM)的風險增加五倍,發展成心血管疾病(cardiovascular disease, CVD)的風險增加兩倍。改善代謝症候群可以從生活型態著手,其中飲食控管佔重要地位。為了降低餐後高血糖,選擇低GI(Glycemic index),亦即慢性消化澱粉(slowly digestible starch, SDS)含量較高的澱粉類食物較為合適。SDS的GI值較快速消化澱粉來得低,被分解成葡萄糖的速率較慢,能降低飯後高血糖以及胰島素分泌量,因而改善代謝症候群。因此本實驗目的為利用台灣糙薏仁為材料,測試不同加工方式對其慢性消化澱粉含量的影響,並找出能使慢性消化澱粉含量較高的加工條件,將此條件應用在產品開發,製作出適合給代謝症候群患者食用的糙薏仁產品。實驗結果顯示,蒸煮水量之影響不大,蒸煮時間越長則會提高薏仁澱粉消化速率,降低SDS,而冷藏有助於SDS含量提升,以SDS、快速消化澱粉(rapidly digestible starch, RDS)及感官品評等標準,最後篩選出以50度法一倍水量蒸煮15分鐘後冷藏一天為較佳的加工條件,且終產品之RDS顯著低於白飯,SDS則顯著高於白飯,具有控制血糖的潛力。


In recent years, due to better life quality, people tend to live a sedentary lifestyle and have high-sugar or high-fat diet, which lead to increasing population with metabolic disorder, including hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension. According to the top ten causes of death in 2016 reporter by Taiwan food and drug administration, metabolic syndrome (MetS) related disease have accounted for 31.2% of death, more than the 27.7% caused by cancer, indicating MetS has been a threaten for people’s health. Indeed, MetS has been shown to increase 5-fold risk for diabetes and 2-fold risk for cardiovascular disease. To decrease MetS, diet control is of importance, and starchy foods with more SDS is a good choice to lower the postprandial glucose. SDS exhibits lower GI than RDS and can release glucose slowly, thus it can decrease hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinermia after meal to improve metabolic syndrome. In this study, we aimed to test the influence of different processing conditions on starch digestibility and the content of SDS and RDS using Taiwan dehulled adlay, expecting to find out a condition that can retain more SDS and then adopt this condition to develop products that are suitable for metabolic syndrome patients. As the results showed, the amount of water added for steaming didn’t affect starch digestibility of adlay significantly, while SDS content decreased as the steaming time prolonged. In addition to that, refrigeration can reduce starch digestibility and increase SDS content. Using the content of SDS, RDS and the result of sensory evaluation as screening parameters, we selected an optimized process condition to obtain the final adlay product, which acquired significantly lower RDS content and higher SDS content than cooked rice, indicating the potential to control blood sugar after meal.


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