  • 學位論文


Research of Attractiveness to Consumers for Omni-Channel Retailing Service

指導教授 : 蔣明晃


隨著資訊科技快速發展,行動網路與手持設備的普及逐漸改變消費者購物習慣,也帶領著零售業者走入「全通路零售時代」。業者透過整合實體、線上商店以及社群媒體等多種通路帶來豐富且多樣的服務選擇,除了提高品牌能見度也增加與買賣雙方的互動,提供消費者隨時、隨地且不受限制的購物環境。而台灣零售業為提供更方便的消費方式,發展全通路零售模式成為趨勢。 本研究旨在探討台灣全通路零售業者需要提供哪些服務,才能有效提高消費者的吸引力。藉由了解消費者的購買流程,以及隨著科技變化消費者行為的改變,歸納出在全通路模式下零售業者的服務類型,以探討這些因素是否確實對消費者的吸引力具有影響。 從分析結果發現,透過因素分析所獲得的四項自變數「使用方便性」、「個人化資訊」、「安全信任機制」、「交易程序」對消費者吸引力皆具有顯著且正向影響,其中又以「配送方式」、「付款方式」、「交易時間」三項服務類型為吸引消費者最關鍵的因素,因此,如果台灣的全通路零售業者希望創造更大商機,必須提供多樣且全方位的服務來滿足消費者需求,透過提高購物流程的完善度,才能進一步吸引消費者使用。本研究透過以上分析,希望能作為全通路零售業者相關發展方向參考,並成為未來相關研究之基礎。


Recently the rapid development of technology is affecting people’s life around the world. The popularity of mobile network and handheld device have gradually changed consumers’ behavior and have led retailers into the era of Omni-Channel. To increase brand visibility and touch points with consumers, retailers provide diverse services via physical store, online shop or even social media, these multiple channel formats in different purchasing phases, which customers can shop across channels, anywhere and at any time. Furthermore, retailers in Taiwan would like to make shopping and buying more convenient to consumers. Meanwhile, Omni-Channel is soon becoming the dominant retail model. This study tends to probe retailing services that can attract consumers efficiently in Taiwan. We first analyze shopping journey and consumer behavior changes due to technological improvement. In order to observe what factor of retailing services can impact consumers’ attractiveness, we sort out types of retailing service under Omni-Channel business model. The results indicate that four factors “User Friendly”, ”Personalize Information”, “Safety and Trust”, and “Transaction Procedure”, are all having significant positive impact effect on consumers’ attractiveness. Especially, “Delivery”, “Payment” and “Transaction Time” in transaction procedure are the key items which enhance consumers’ attractiveness among others. Therefore, Omni-Channel business in Taiwan who is seeking for creating other value, have to provide variety and holistic services to improve customers’ satisfaction, and complete their shopping experience.


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