  • 學位論文


On Child Abduction: The Concept of Custody in Criminal Law

指導教授 : 周漾沂




This thesis argues that due to the obscurity of the relation between custody and child protection, there are contradictions concerning the interpretation of child abduction in literature and in practice. Since the authority over child in modern family law is based on “the best interests of the child” rather than “parental power”, the analysis of child abduction should focus on different sides of “the best interests of the child.” Because this concept from family law is a general clause which authorizes the judge to decide in accordance with different circumstances, it cannot be qualified as legal good in criminal law. The concept of “physical and mental development of the child” is vague and vacuous, and it might raise the concerns of protecting morals by law. Basing family order on a specific family image violates a person’s freedom of personality and the principle of equality. Because the criminal law should not act as a tool to regulate interests, the core principles of this thesis are founded on the substantial concept of law based on personal autonomy, and every person, as an autonomous agent, should be self-responsible. However, the premise of being self-responsible is to be competent. Concerning that the minor lack the competence to be self-responsible, the institution of custody should be established to support the minor to exercise their freedom. Therefore, the obligors under custody institution possess not parental rights but discretions in order to perform their obligations. In this vein, the law of forbidding child abduction protects the function of custody institution to preserve the legal good of the minor.


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