  • 學位論文


A Study on the Prehistoric Culture In the North of Taiwan From 5000 to 4000 Years

指導教授 : 陳有貝


本論文主要以「臺灣北部5000-4000年史前文化內涵與相關問題研究」為題,對目前5000-4000年左右北部地區所認識“考古文化”進行討論,層面包括︰(一)重新檢視「訊塘埔文化」陶器內涵及其可能類型;(二)探討訊塘埔文化與大坌坑文化之異同;(三)比較分析訊塘埔文化與同時限、不同區域的考古文化之間的差異;(四)重新檢討5000-4000年前北部地區考古文化的內涵及定義。 本論文運用層位學、類型學、排隊法、年代學等,比較各遺址出土各類陶器在歷時限的變化,透過比較與分析,以期了解5000-4000年前史前文化在北部地區樣貌及演變趨勢。並透過八里•舊城遺址的發掘資料顯示早期被認為具有時間先後與文化傳承關係的大坌坑文化與訊塘埔文化的陶器遺留,在地層中無法明確地區辨開來而呈現伴出的現象,同時文化層下即為生土層而未再有發現有更早的遺物。這是否意味著訊塘埔文化與大坌坑文化兩者彼此並非存在時間先後的關係,而是共伴的存在,或者,兩個考古文化實際上是一個考古文化對於陶器使用的偏好所產生的差異,意即「帶有突脊與劃紋的大坌坑式陶器」實際上乃當時人群製作的眾多陶器中的一種,如此,文化層中帶有突脊與劃紋的陶器的有無,實際上並不代表具有不同文化傳統與時間先後的兩個考古文化,而很可能是同一文化傳統的人群在異時限和陶器使用喜好的具體表現。除此之外,透過北部地區遺址的比較分析顯示,具有大坌坑文化與訊塘埔文化類型的遺物或器物組合的遺址,主要分布在海岸沙丘、臺地、河岸階地、平原、與淺山等不同環境,而不同環境的遺址,在時間上主要存在於距今4800-4000年左右,部分可延續至3600年左右,且遺址的分布與當時的海岸線有密切的關聯性,換言之,此批人群自海外的地區移居臺灣,當時大多選擇西部的河口與寬闊的沙質海岸(灣)作為登陸地點,並在海岸地區建立居所,在面對生存的壓力與對新環境的逐漸熟悉的過程中,部分的人可能選擇沿河口進入中、上游地區。從年代資料來看,顯示早期移民在島內的移動速度可能比以往推測的要來得早且快速。而以考古文化的角度而言,或可將訊塘埔文化稱之為「大坌坑文化訊塘埔相」。此外,在區域比較的層次,台灣其他地區也具有相同的情況。 本論文研究顯示,臺灣新石器時代最早階段存在一個以繩紋為主要特徵的「考古文化」,其涵蓋本島與澎湖地區,發生在距今約4800年前左右,是否及於5000千年前仍未可知。此一考古文化即為大坌坑文化的本尊,各地所顯示的些微差異,代表的是大坌坑文化移居臺灣後的在地化表現。


This paper is to study the topic 「A Study on the Prehistoric Culture In the North of Taiwan From 5000 to 4000 Years」and mainly discusses the " Suntangpu Culture " which is known in the northern region around 5000-400 years ago, including:(1) reviewing the Suntangpu Culture and related problems in the prehistoric period of 5000-2004 in northern Taiwan; (2) to explore the differences between the Suntangpu Cultural and Tapenkeng Culture; (3) to compare the differences between Suntangpu Cultural and the same period and the archaeological culture in different regions; (4) to review the connotation and definition of archaeological culture in the northern region between 5000 and 4000 years ago. In this paper, the use of stratigraphy, typology, chronology, etc., to compare the various types of pottery unearthed in the time changes, through comparison and analysis, in order to understand 5000 - 4000 years ago prehistoric culture in the northern region appearance and evolution trend. The excavation of the Bali-Jiucheng site shows the remains of Tapenkeng Culture and Suntangpu Culture those were suggested to have inherit by time and uncovered with the same layers, both two archaeological remains can not be clearly identified in the stratum, while the cultural layer is show the raw soil layer and no longer found earlier remains. Does this mean that the two archaeological cultures are not interited but co-existence, or that the two archaeological cultures are actually could be seem as one archaeological culture; it is mean the different type of pottery especially that "TPK Corded" is actually one of the many pottery produced by the crowd at that time, so that the pottery shards presence of the ridge and the other patterned pottery in the cultural layer does not represent the different cultural traditions, and is more likely to be the same cultural traditions of people in different time limits and pottery use preferences specific performance. In addition, through the comparative analysis of the remains from the sites of the northern region, show the connotation of the sites or complex of remains which defined as Tapenkeng Culture and Suntangpu Culture connotation of the sites or complex of remains objects with the cultural are mainly distributed in the coastal dunes, terraces, riverside terraces, plains, mainly in the time from 4800 – 4000B.P., a part of them can be extended latter to 3600B.P.; because the sites location and the coastline is closely related, in other words, this earliest inhabitants moved to Taiwan from overseas areas, and most of them chose the western estuary and the wide sandy coast (bay) as a landing site and established accommodation in the coastal areas. In the face of the pressure of survival and the familiarity with the new environment , some people may choose to enter the middle and upper reaches along the estuary. From the dating, it is shown that early immigrants may move faster and faster than ever than we thought before. And in terms of the archaeological culture, may be defined to as " Suntangpu Phase of Tapenkeng Culture ". In addition, at the level of regional comparison, the rest of Taiwan has the same archaeological remains and phenomenons. This paper shows that the earliest stage of the Neolithic Age in Taiwan has an "archaeological culture" featuring the cord ware as the main feature, which covers the island and the Penghu island, about 4800 years ago; this archaeological culture is called Tapenkeng Culture, but there are some minor differences, which means the Tapenkeng Culture moved to Taiwan being the localization performance.


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