  • 學位論文


Civil Unrest, Local Forcible Leaders and Authorities: The Development of Lin Wan-Jhang Family in the 19th Century Taiwan

指導教授 : 李文良


南臺灣的枋寮地方因為特殊的地理優勢,自清領之初便有大量人群聚居。但因遠離行政統治中心,以及朱一貴事件後劃界封山政策的影響,使得枋寮地方在邊陲特性下多有無賴聚集,進而影響地方治安。面對地方治安的危機,官府卻因統治力量不彰而未能有效治理,更需要借助地方頭人的力量,此舉無異給予地方豪族崛起的機會,也是林萬掌家族發展的要因。 作為來臺開基的第一代,林淇泉藉由遊走界外禁地來尋求貿易機會,在與原住民維持良好關係的同時,也經營「林萬記商號」來壯大己身勢力,水底寮林家的名聲也隨著多次協助地方動亂而為官府知悉。然而,林淇泉過世後,其子林萬掌卻因數次協助平亂與救助西方船難者,卻未得到相對獎勵而不滿於官府,最終在咸豐三年(1853)的林恭事件中站在反官府的立場,協助林恭攻陷鳳山縣埤頭城,導致陷邑戕官的慘況。 咸豐三年太平天國攻陷南京,受此鼓舞福建省境內有多起民變事件,遠在臺灣的林恭也因不滿於官府而決意起事。受限於清廷能給予的幫助有限,臺灣府城遭到長期圍困,官方在鎮道衝突的情況下,兵分兩路往南北反攻,最終順利平定整場亂事。然而,事變尾聲時下淡水地區旋即陷入閩粵衝突,粵人更是直指林萬掌才是整場動亂的主導者,而水底寮林家與官府的關係更是陷入低點,後在史溫侯(R. Swinhoe)的記錄下顯示官府以「不法之徒」來稱呼林萬掌,而雙方之間更是發生過武裝的衝突。 隨著林萬掌的過世,水底寮林家在其妻林李招與其子林有才的經營下,重新與官府維持良好關係,具體反映在戴潮春事件期間水底寮林家的作為之上。可惜的是,林有才後來渡海前往福建漳州進剿太平天國時陣亡,而水底寮林家也在林李招過世後逐漸凋零,反映出地方家族、社會以及官府間的互動,也說明水底寮林家是如何在官府政策影響與自身人才凋零的雙重因素中沒落。


林恭 林萬掌 水底寮 界外開墾 漢番通婚


From the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the Fang-Liao area of Taiwan was populated by many people due to its local environment. However, as a result of the geographical location being far from any controlling authorities, combined with the influence of the restriction on people from entering the mountain areas after the Chu Yi-Guei incident, there existed a lot of hoodlums (gangsters) disturbing the peace. The local authorities administering the area, lacking power, could not resolve the disturbance created by the hoodlums. The authorities turned to the powerful leader in the area for help to stabilize the locality. This decision undoubtedly paved the way to enable the powerful Lin Wan-Jhang family to gain power, and status strengthened by their cooperation with the authorities. Lin Chi-Chuan was one of the first pioneers of the Lin family of Shuidi-Liao in Taiwan, who sought the commercial opportunities within the restricted areas. By doing so, he created firm friendships with the “Savages” (the indigenous Taiwanese inhabitants). Operating the Wan-Ke store also helped strengthen his family’s position within the community. By this time, the Lin family of Shuidi-Liao was well known to the authorities. However, after Lin Chi-Chuan died, his son, Lin Wan-Jhang, fell into a disagreement with the authorities concerning his family’s compensation for their assistance in putting down civil unrest, notwithstanding their contribution in the saving of foreign ship wrecks. In 1853, because of the conflict, Lin Wan-Jhang and Lin Gong rebelled, causing the fall of the Fengshan county town, during which time many officials died. The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (1851-1864) occupied Nanjing in 1853. This initiated many uprisings in the Fujian province, including that of Lin Gong in Taiwan. However, the Qing government could not provide military assistance because the problem caused by the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was still unresolved. Consequently, the Taiwan Prefecture was surrounded for several months by Lin Gong and his army. The officials in Taiwan were unable to put down the uprising, deciding instead to quell the commotion in both northern and southern ways. The officials in Taiwan successfully quelled the disturbance caused by Ling Gong, while armed confrontation between the Han and the Hakka in southern Taiwan still remained a problem. The Hakka even accused Lin Wan-Jhang to be the criminal leader of the Lin Gong incident. Due to the conflict created by Lin Gong, the Lin family of Shuidi-Liao’s relationship with the local authorities disintegrated. According to Robert Swinhoe, the authorities now regarded Lin Wan-Jhang as “an outlaw chief,” resulting in armed conflicts between them. After the death of Lin Wan-Jhang, his widow, Lin Li-Chao, and son, Lin Yu-Tsai, worked hard to preserve the Lin family of Shuidi-Liao’s relationship with the authorities, which was especially reflected in the cooperation during the Tai Chao-Chun incident. However, with the death of Lin Yu-Tsai at Zhangzhou while combatting the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, together with the subsequent death of his mother Lin Li-Chao, the Lin family of Shuidi-Liao began its decline. Through the analysis of the rise to prosperity followed by the decline of the Lin family of Shuidi-Liao, we can understand the complex interactions between a powerful family, society, and the authorities. Moreover, we can also come to terms with the Lin family of Shuidi-Liao’s decline impacted by the actions of the authorities and the lack of a powerful successor.


