  • 學位論文


The Conflict between Asset Forfeiture and The Right To Counsel

指導教授 : 王皇玉


人民受憲法保障之基本人權,國家機關得基於公益目的加以限制,為放諸四海皆準得普世原則,但應如何合憲且合理之限制公權力行為,乃各國所應面對之重要課題。 其中「沒收」係國家將犯罪人或第三人所有之與犯罪有密切關係之特定物所有權,或犯罪所得之利益,強制地移置國家之下。然而面對檢察官強大之威力,被告需聘請律師輔助其面對繁瑣之訴訟程序,然一旦財產受沒收,被告即無從處分該財產,極可能因此無力支付律師費。換言之,法院等同以沒收之手段剝奪被告或犯罪嫌疑人訴訟上之律師權。然而檢察官之扣押行為有法律上之依據,且係經由法院許可;但同時被告之律師權,亦係受憲法所保障,不容受侵害。 因此,本論文自我國法律規定、司法院大法官釋字及學說、實務上之見解整理分析我國沒收與律師權之理論基礎與內涵。並分析美國聯邦最高法院針對律師權與沒收產生衝突時所採取之「合法資產說」、「具沒收可能性」、「污染區分說」與「大陪審團沒收」等見解。試圖整理出當兩同時具有合法性與正當性之權利產生衝突時,究竟應如何進行利益權衡。究竟係檢察官依法對被告得沒收物之扣押應優先,又或被告憲法上所保護之律師權應優先。無論認為係檢察官之扣押行為應優先,又或認為被告之律師權應優先,皆直接影響立法者對律師權與沒收制度之貫徹。並反映出我國憲法保障基本人權之價值,可謂一重要之議題。


When it comes to the basis of public interests, the government is allowed to restrict certain human rights that are granted by the constitution. Therefore, finding a constitutionality way to limit the power of government is an important issue that all countries are facing. Asset forfeiture is one of the powers that might violate a defendant ’s right to counsel. Asset forfeiture is an act, which the government forcibly relocates certain offender’s or third parties’ property rights to their own. At the same time, a defendant needs a lawyer to assist him with the legal proceedings when facing prosecutor’s charges. Unfortunately when the court confiscated a defendant’s property, it is most likely that he doesn’t have enough assets left to hire an attorney. In short, asset forfeiture violates the defendant’s right to counsel, which is granted by the constitution. However, asset forfeiture has its legal basis, and meanwhile defendant’s right to counsel is also granted by the constitution and shouldn’t be violated. Therefore, this paper analyzes the theoretical basis and the connotation of right to counsel and asset forfeiture according to Taiwan’s law, the interpretation of the judges, and scholars’ opinions. Then integrate the opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States when in comes to the conflict between asset forfeiture and the right to counsel. This paper tries to find a standard between the two legitimacy rights, asset forfeiture and the right to counsel.


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