  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Pronouns and Conjunctions in CETICE Chinese to English Long Consecutive Interpreting

指導教授 : 張嘉倩


在眾多影響口譯品質的條件當中,銜接(cohesion)往往被視為最重要的關鍵之一。根據Halliday與Hasan(1976)的分類,英文當中的銜接可分為五種,分別為指稱(reference)、替代(substitution)、省略(ellipsis)、連接(conjunction)與詞語銜接(lexical cohesion),而本研究將重點置於指稱以及連接,剖析臺灣中英翻譯能力檢定考試考生如何在翻譯當中處理代名詞與連接詞。本研究採文本分析,資料取自於2014年語言訓練測驗中心(LTTC)舉辦的中英翻譯能力檢定考試,長逐步口譯中進英部分試題,共收集來自56位考生的124段錄音資料。在分析、比對不同考生的譯文之後,本研究發現考生在面對代名詞與連接詞時所採用的作法大致相同,在面對第一人稱單數代名詞時多採取較忠於原文的譯法,在面對第二與第三人稱單數代名詞時則採取較為跳脫原文之譯法。此外,連接詞在原文當中出現的位置以及使用的方法,而非連接詞本身表達的意思,是影響考生譯法最主要的因素。


逐步口譯 銜接 指稱 代名詞 連接


There are a number of factors that influence the quality of an interpretation, and among them, cohesion is often agreed upon as one of the most important parameters. While, according to Halliday and Hasan (1976), there are five main cohesive devices in English, this study focuses on the use of reference and conjunction and sets out to explore how different test-takers of the Chinese and English Translation and Interpretation Competency Examinations, or CETICE, a national certifying exam for translators and interpreters in Taiwan, deal with pronouns and conjunctions. This study uses data from the Chinese-to-English long CI part of the CETICE held in 2014. A total of 124 samples from 56 test-takers are collected and analyzed. Results show that test-takers exhibit more similarities than differences, specifically their faithful renditions of first-person singular pronouns and how they deal with second-person and third-person singular pronouns. Furthermore, results show that where and how a conjunction is used is the most important factor in determining how test-takers render that particular conjunction.


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