  • 學位論文


The Analysis of the Relationship Between Farmer and Fisherman Pension Programs and Agricultural Operation - An Empirical Study of Farmers in Qieding District of Kaoshiung City

指導教授 : 張宏浩


我國的農民社會福利政策,目前以農民健康保險及老年農(漁)民福利津貼暫行條例(簡稱老農津貼)的兩項政策為主。農民健康保險制度自民國74年由臺灣省政府試辦並於民國78年全面實施以來,因時代的變遷,農業人口結構高齡化,從農人數的減少,保費收支不平衡的財務結構,政治力的介入,再加上社會福利津貼式的老農津貼所帶來的龐大財政支出等因素,政府原先計畫以這兩項農民福利政策來彌補農民在社會經濟地位相對弱勢的情況,在主客觀條件的改變下已經無法達到原本保障農民生活經濟安全及社會福利保險制度的原意。 近年來,各項年金改革制度也因為類似的情形而引起大眾期望改革的呼籲,農民健康保險以及老年農民福利津貼的政策雖然經過多次的修改,實際上已經無法符合年金改革的整體思考方向。新的完整的農業福利政策經過政府多年的研究,也應該在這次年金改革的議題中一併討論。 高雄市茄萣區之農戶以陸上漁業養殖為主要之農業經濟活動,因為兼具漁業及農業的雙重身分,此類的農業經濟活動行為在西南沿海的陸上養殖地區有很多相似的情況。以往在農業及漁業調查中常常無法顯示出其該地區特有的生產經營的經濟行為。為了近一步了解此類地區農業生產經營的現況與現行農漁業保險年金制度的關聯性,以及對將來可能的農業年金制度的意願及接受程度,本研究以問卷調查的方式,對位於高雄茄萣地區擁有養殖用地的農民為對象,對於農漁保年金制度的意向及現行養殖漁業經營狀況之調查與分析,並以迴歸模型分析估算最低願意接受之退休金額,希望此研究報告在未來規劃有關農業福利政策改革時,可以作為此特殊農業生產地區相關政策制定之參考。


The Farmer Health Insurance Program and Old Farmer Pension Program are the two major social welfare systems in Taiwan. After the implementation of the program in 1989, the Farmer Health Insurance Program had encountered several challenges, including the steadily increasing aged agricultural labor structure and the diminishing of the labor force participation of young farm population. Due to the unbalanced fiscal status, the political intervention and the huge expenditure of the old farmer pension fund, these two social welfare programs have been called for policy reforms. These two policy programs designed to maintain the farmer’s health and to secure the elderly farmer’s financial well-beings went function failure to achieve the original purposes. With many amendments of the Farmer Health Insurance Program and Old Farmer Pension Program since 2001, these two policies can no longer practically meet the consensus of the Taiwan society. A new farmer’s social welfare pension policy with a sustainable financial design, a border protection program, and a comprehensive payment system must be discussed when the Pension Reform Committee establish the new farmer’s social welfare system. Agricultural activities in the regions alone the Taiwan southwest coast, such as Qieding district of Kaoshiung city, are different from the other rural regions. The fish cultivation farmers in those areas usually have two identities that can both join the farm’s association and fisherman’s association. Those distinct aquaculture activities were not often studied and surveyed in the previous studies. In order to understand the relationship between the Farmer’s and Fisherman’s Pension Programs with agricultural activity behavior, this research conducts a survey and focuses on the willingness and acceptances of the new farmer’s pension policy and off-farm pension. This study also uses the ordinary least squares regression method and the Probit model to interpret the relationship between the personal characteristics and the propensity of the individuals to accept new farmer pension program.


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