  • 學位論文


Keyboard Participation: A Case Study of "g0v.tw" on Open-source Collaborative Citizen Engagement in Hacking Community

指導教授 : 林子倫


從黑客社群演變而來的開源文化,提倡資訊透明及開放授權,讓人民取得政府資料以監督施政;透過網路串聯,人們能跨越時空隔閡交流,以社群為管道發聲,再搭配協作工具將零碎的貢獻整合為具體的產出。開源文化與社群協作機制,不僅提高公民的自主性,也降低參與政治的門檻。有鑑於此,本研究以「零時政府」(g0v)為研究個案,以參與觀察、深度訪談等方式深入社群,探討開源協作式的公民黑客社群,如何推動公民參與。 本研究參照Clay Shirky的社群行動及Weeks的審議民主要素,建構出「分享-合作-集體行動」三個階段的社群行動架構及其蘊含的公民參與意涵。透過參與者分享資訊、合作將共識實作為專案、集體行動去實踐專案目標,g0v參與者將公共議題轉譯成易於理解與傳播的開放資料,提高公民關注公共事務的意願。 與網路審議模式相比,本研究發現g0v同樣具備多元、廣泛之參與者的基礎,公共論述的空間也容納不同聲音平等討論,但g0v專案在商議過程嚴謹度、參與者代表性等方面品質不一,無法確保成果絕對在政治及實務上可行。與過往的公民參與方式相較,g0v開放授權的規定讓全民都能共享集體智慧,加速整體社會改善的進程;去中心化賦予g0v參與者高度的自主性,讓參與者能以熱情為驅動力參與;協作機制則降低參與公共事務的門檻,擴大參與規模。不過,g0v社群的參與模式也有瓶頸,對於需要長期耕耘的公共議題,公民參與的持久度是個未知數;再者,許多專案未札實作好問題分析,導致開發成果不符社會需求,難以發揮影響力。 雖然黑客社群開源協作式的公民參與還不是一個成熟的模式,但g0v作為一個將開源科技與協作機制導入公共領域的先驅,不僅喚醒公民參與政治的意識,也推動政府開放資料、與民協作,並開啟以實作專案來倡議的先例。


Evolved from the hacker community, open source culture promote information transparency and public license, which allow people to obtain government information and oversee governance. People can communicate through online community, and collaborate to engage in politics. Open source culture and community collaboration not only enhance the autonomy of citizen, but also lowers the threshold for citizens to participate in public affairs. In view of this, this study chooses g0v for our case study, uses participatory observation and in-depth interviews to explore how open source culture community works to promote civic engagement though collaboration of g0v members. Based on Clay Shirky’s theory of group action and elements of deliberation democracy from Weeks’, this study construct a model of "Sharing-Cooperation-Collective action" to interpret the implication of citizen participation in open source community. Through sharing information, cooperation to reach consensus and collective action to achieve the goal of the project, g0v participants translate public issues into open data, which is easy to access and understand. That helps to make citizens willing to pay attention to public affairs. Compared with online deliberation, this study found that g0v also has diverse participants and equal chance to let every voice discuss. However, quality of deliberation in g0v collaboration is not stable. Representation of participant is often not enough is g0v project. Therefore, it’s hardly to guarantee the outcome of g0v projects is absolutely politically and practically feasible. Compared with the traditional citizen participation methods, the requirement of public license enables all citizens to share collective wisdom, and speed up the process of overall social improvement. Also, decentralization empowers g0v participants high degree of autonomy, and make participants contribute with enthusiasm. Collaboration reduces the cost of civic engagement and expand the scale of participation. However, there are also bottlenecks in the g0v community's participation model. The durability of citizen participation is unknown. Many projects doesn’t meet what citizens need, therefore fail to exert their influence and make society better. Although citizen participation in open source community is not yet a mature model, g0v as a pioneer in bringing open-source technology and collaboration mechanisms to the public domain, has not only awakened citizens' awareness of political participation, but also urged government to open public data, collaborate with the people , and set a precedent for initiating the project.


