  • 學位論文


The Reform and Implementation of "Sageness Within; Kingliness Without": The Connection between Zhu Xi’s Philosophical Thought, Morality, and Legacy

指導教授 : 鍾彩鈞


本文研究目的有三:一是建立動態的「內聖外王」概念與思維;二是進行歷史環境與哲學思想兼具的研究;三是刻畫朱熹「內聖外王」的新型態。全文分為五個章節:   第一章為緒論,闡述研究動機、目的、方法、文獻探討。   第二章旨在確立本文「內聖外王」概念的使用方式,建立朱熹之前的儒家「內聖外王」模式,並見宋代歷史環境對朱熹的影響。首先回溯「內聖外王」概念的發展過程與現當代學者的定義與使用,提出以各個時代、不同儒者自行定義其「內聖外王」模式的動態視角。其次,對先秦漢唐儒家的「內聖外王」型態進行梳理,從傳統儒家經典、孔孟荀,再到漢唐儒者,以與儒者們息息相關的部分如君臣關係、考試選官制度、經典詮釋方式、心性理論特色等方面,凸顯朱熹以前儒者們的「內聖外王」型態,仍是以投入政治或運用政治力量為主,據此掌握朱熹「內聖外王」精神與理念的承繼資源,並顯發其新型態的特色。其三,對朱熹生存的宋代進行探討,包含宋代的政治文化背景、學術發展狀況,以及儒者體用本末與仕隱政教觀念的轉變,可見北宋以來儒者企圖以學術領導政治,又受制於政治的雙向纏繞關係,透過各種變法、科舉的改革,以及經史文學的變化,顯現儒者對於仕隱政教之間的關係有了新的反思與趨向,不僅開始肯定隱而文教的地位與價值,也重新確立了立體返本的優先性與關鍵性,從而塑造了朱熹「內聖外王」新型態的產生環境。   第三章旨在透過朱熹個人的思想內涵,發見其對內外關係的界定,並建立其嶄新的「內聖外王」型態。首先由朱熹與陳亮的爭辯進入,看見朱熹如何安排內在道德與外在事功的關係。透過朱熹對於「事功」、「功業」的界定,可知所謂的「事功」、「功業」不僅包含有位者的政治事功,更包含了無位者的文教事功,擴展其「外王」範疇;並且說明他對文教事業的意識與理解,指出他所重視的《大學》「新民」所運用的感興振發原理,即是文教的作用,可知與政治密切相關的「新民」,其實就是以文教為動機與目的,為其以文教貫徹內外的模式提供理論基礎。其次,進入傳統認為專屬於「內聖」的哲學思想之中,看見朱熹在建構學術理論時,亦帶有濃厚的文教意識,包含理氣論中的理一分殊、理氣同異論,關涉物我關係、氣稟教化的問題;心性論中的心統性情分疏、對於認欲為理的疑慮;工夫論中的格物致知、主敬涵養,共同反映他面向世界、關注文教的思維,建立其以文教工作落實「內聖外王」精神與理念的嶄新型態。   第四章旨在觀察朱熹實際的文教作為,凸顯其以思想為基礎而具體落實的文教事業,並進一步刻畫其「內聖外王」型態與政治互動平衡的關係。本章分別由朱熹的注經與出版事業、對於官私學校的經營、對於民眾與士人群體的教化為討論重心,包含他對《四書》的詮釋、對出版的熱衷與投入;他認真經營官學,又努力建構書院,平衡著官私學校與科舉的關係;他運用為民、為士、為官的身分,在居鄉居官之際,使用文書規約方式教育鄉里群體與士人群體,並與同道互相支持或是刻意批評抵制,以發揮文教的影響力。從朱熹的這些作為中,可看見他對於文教載體、場合、流傳問題的全方位涉入與掌握,使學術思想通過文教工作,成為改變世人的基礎,也實現安定天下的功業。最後透過文教獨立於政治的價值,以及朱熹不離政治的心念,看見他在仕隱政教中的平衡關係,全面呈現朱熹「內聖外王」模式的特色,是文教與政治相離不分、重疊互涉的型態。   第五章為結論,對文章整體做出總結,回應本文宗旨與目的,並以朱熹為起始,進一步指出未來研究的發展方向。


朱熹 內聖外王 儒家文教 仕隱 政教


There are three research purposes of the thesis. First, to establish a dynamic concept and thought of "Sageness Within; Kingliness Without". Second, to carry on a research which combines history and philosophy. Third, to depict the new type of Zhu Xi’s "Sageness Within; Kingliness Without".   Chapter 2 is devoted to define the specific usage of "Sageness Within; Kingliness Without" in this thesis, to build the mode of "Sageness Within; Kingliness Without" about Confucians before Zhu Xi, and to detect the influence of Song Dynasty circumstances on Zhu Xi. First, to reach back the scheme of "Sageness Within; Kingliness Without", and to check the definition and usage of this conception in the academic circle. Second, to discuss the type of "Sageness Within; Kingliness Without" from Pre-Qin Confucians to Han and Tang Dynasties. Based on these explanations, we can find where Zhu Xi’s spirit and idea of "Sageness Within; Kingliness Without" comes from, and find the characteristic of his type. Third, to make an approach to Song Dynasty that Zhu Xi lived, including political culture, academic development, and the conversion of Confucianist’s consciousness.   Chapter 3 is devoted to analyse Zhu Xi’s personal thoughts to confirm the relationship between inside and outside, and to establish the new type of Zhu Xi’s "Sageness Within; Kingliness Without". First, starting from the debate between Zhu Xi and Chen Liang to know how Zhu Xi arranged the relationship between inner morality and outter legacy. Expanding the category of “Kingliness Without" by delimiting Zhu Xi’s opinions about “legacy” or “exploit”. Offering the theoretical basis of using culture and education to connect inside and outside by explaining Zhu Xi’s notions about culture and education work. Second, finding Zhu Xi’s consciousness of culture and education in his philosophic thoughts. Compared with traditional thinking about "Sageness Within”, Zhu Xi’s philosophic theories are not only belong to "Sageness Within” but also belong to “Kingliness Without".   Chapter 4 is devoted to observe Zhu Xi’s practical actions for presenting his culture and education work which is based on thoughts. The interaction between Zhu Xi’s type of "Sageness Within; Kingliness Without" and politics is also emphasis in this Chapter. We will find that Zhu Xi flung himslve into culture and education work and mastered the art of cultural and educational carriers, spaces, and circulation . We can also present the key feature about a close connection between culture and education and politics of Zhu Xi’s type. On the one hand Zhu Xi sured that the value of culture and education is independent of politics, on the other hand he had never abandoned political power and resources for implementing his spirit and idea of "Sageness Within; Kingliness Without". Accordingly, the new type of Zhu Xi’s "Sageness Within; Kingliness Without" can be completely established.


