  • 學位論文


Taiwan Green Energy Industry Development Policy And Package Plant Export Strategic Plan

指導教授 : 游張松


在在全球暖化趨勢下,氣候變遷已成為當前國際社會共同面對的挑戰,且近年來由於日本福島核災,以及許多的跨國企業要求其供應商減少碳足跡、使用再生能源,這些壓力使得人們開始思考再生能源是否可以成為為主要發電方式。因此各國政府提出了一系列政策,然而成效卻相當有限。 針對目前再生能源推廣的模式,本研究歸納出四個問題-如何證明發出的電為純綠電、如何讓發電者所產的電自發自用、如何以較低的成本推廣再生能源來降低財政壓力、如何讓更多的綠電生產者參與再生能源憑證。 針對以上四個問題,本研究旨在找出一個可以用更有效率的方式,讓所有人願意參與推動再生能源的發展。因而提出以三個子系統-電循環、綠電認證與綠循環、量測儀器認證與技術升級循環-為基礎,其中透過物聯網的技術,整合所需資料,構成的一套完整的模型。 本研究透過價值創造循環(Value Creation Cycle, VCC),重新拆解系統架構,找出這套再生能源的模式如何為所有利害關係人創造正向價值,形成一個完整且具有持續性的價值創造循環。


Under the global warming trend, climate change has become a common challenge faced by the international community. In recent years, due to the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan, and various multinational corporations demanding that their suppliers reduce their carbon footprint and use renewable energy, these pressures make people start thinking about whether renewable energy can be the main way of generating power. Therefore, governments around the world have proposed a series of policies, but the effectiveness of these policies has been quite limited. In view of the current methods of renewable energy promotion, this study summarizes all the problems into four issues. First, how to prove that the electricity sent is pure green electricity? Second, how to make the green power producers use the electricity they produced? Third, how to promote renewable energy at a lower cost way to reduce financial pressure? Last, how to get more green power producers to participate in renewable energy certificates? Aiming to answer the above four issues, this study aims to find a more efficient way to make all people willing to participate in promoting the development of renewable energy. Finally, it proposes a complete set of models consisting of three sub-systems: electrical cycle, green certification and green cycle, measurement instrument certification and technology upgrade cycle, which integrate the required information through the technology of the Internet of Things. This study uses Value Creation Cycle model to re-disassemble the system to find out how this model of renewable energy creates positive value for all stakeholders and forms a complete and sustainable cycle of value creation.


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