  • 學位論文


The Application of Blockchain in Civil Engineering: Taking ICO Crowdfunding as an Example

指導教授 : 荷世平


近年來在金融領域上,過去是由政府或是可信任的金融機構作為中介者,確保我們的借貸、匯款、交易等手續,而「區塊鏈」的特點則是去中心化,使得支付的過程可直接由一方發起,並支付給另一方,不再需要透過第三方機構,區塊鏈是一種跳過第三方中介的peer-to-peer(點對點)網路關係。區塊鏈採用分散式的共識演算法,藉由分散式節點進行數據的儲存、驗證、傳輸,形成一個大型網路帳本,區塊鏈確保了交易的安全性。區塊鏈會依據智慧條約進行資產的交易,所謂的智能合約是控制數位資產的電腦程式,記錄著資產該如何被交易的指令 許多的公司都利用區塊鏈的進行ICO首次代幣發行的融資方式,為公司募集資金,本篇研究希望透過區塊鍊的技術,以太坊上的智能合約,分析幾間公司的個案,並將ICO榮咀其他融資方式進行比較,分析用創新方式的ICO融資是否適合應用在土木工程上。


區塊鏈 智能合約 以太坊 ICO眾籌


In the financial sector in recent years, the government or trustable financial institutions used to act as intermediaries to ensure our procedures for borrowing, remittances, and transactions. The “blockchain” feature is decentralized, making payments The process can be initiated directly by one party and paid to the other without the need to go through a third-party agency. The blockchain is a peer-to-peer network relationship that bypasses third-party agencies. The blockchain uses a decentralized consensus algorithm to store, verify and transmit data through distributed nodes to form a large-scale network account book. The blockchain ensures the security of transactions. The blockchain trades assets based on a smart treaty. The so-called smart contract is a computer program that controls digital assets and records how the assets are to be traded. This study hopes that through the blockchain technology and the intelligence contracts on Ethereum, it will analyze whether the innovative ICO financing is suitable for civil engineering applications


blockchain smart contracts Ethereum ICO crowdfunding


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