  • 學位論文


Testing Extreme Axion Dark Matter Using BOSS Lyman Alpha Forest Data

指導教授 : 闕志鴻


我們利用帶有均衡紫外光背景的字宙學流體模型去模擬不同類型 暗物質模型所預測的萊曼-阿爾法森林現象,其中包括冷暗物質、波動 暗物質以及不同軸子角度的極端軸子暗物質。以極端軸子暗物質的玻 色子質量為1.1X 10^-22 電子伏的前提下,我們發現極端軸子暗物質所 預測的萊曼-阿爾法森林現象比起冷暗物質所預測的結果更能符合重 子振蕩光譜巡天計畫得到的結果,這是與[17, 1] 所預測的結果大為不 同–冷暗物質的萊曼-阿爾法森林現象較為符合觀測事實。因此,我們 的研究為暗物質是由超低質量粒子所組成的猜想帶來新的證據。


宇宙學 暗物質 星系際物質


Using cosmological particle hydrodynamical simulations and uniform ultraviolet background, we test Lyman-alpha forest flux spectra predicted by the conventional cold dark matter (CDM) model, the free-particle wave dark matter (FPpsiDM) model and extreme-axion wave dark matter (EApsiDM) models of different initial axion field angles against the BOSS Lyman-alpha forest absorption spectra. The boson mass mb of all DM models is fixed to mb ~ 10^-22eV. We recover the results reported previously [17, 1] that the CDM model agrees better with the BOSS data than the FPpsiDM model by a large margin, where the difference of total chi-square is 19 for 420 data bins. These previous results demand a larger boson mass by a factor > 10 and are in tension with the favoured value. However, we find this tension can be alleviated as a range of EA DM models predict Lyman- flux spectra agree better with the BOSS data than the CDM prediction by an even larger margin; the difference of total chi-square can be as large as 24. This finding is perhaps not surprising since EA DM models can have a unique spectral bump in excess of the power of CDM near the more extended spectral cutoff in the initial matter power spectrum [51, 50].


cosmology dark matter intergalactic medium


[1] E. Armengaud, N. Palanque-Delabrouille, C. Yèche, D. J. E. Marsh, and J. Baur. Constraining the mass of light bosonic dark matter using SDSS Lyman-alpha forest. MNRAS, 471:4606–4614, Nov. 2017.
[2] G. D. Becker, J. S. Bolton, M. G. Haehnelt, and W. L. W. Sargent. Detection of extended He II reionization in the temperature evolution of the intergalactic medium. MNRAS, 410:1096–1112, Jan. 2011.
[3] G. D. Becker, P. C. Hewett, G. Worseck, and J. X. Prochaska. A refined measurement of the mean transmitted flux in the Ly forest over 2 < z < 5 using composite quasar spectra. MNRAS, 430:2067–2081, Apr. 2013.
[4] G. M. Bernstein, A. E. Athey, R. Bernstein, S. M. Gunnels, D. O. Richstone, and S. A. Shectman. Volume-phase holographic spectrograph for the Magellan telescopes. In A. M. Larar and M. G. Mlynczak, editors, Optical Spectroscopic Techniques, Remote Sensing, and Instrumentation for Atmospheric and Space Research
IV, volume 4485 of Proc. SPIE, pages 453–459, Jan. 2002.
