  • 學位論文


Sexual Harassment as the Cause of Discipline and Dismissal in Labor Relation:Focus on the Analysis of Judgments in Taiwan

指導教授 : 王能君


對於性騷擾與雇主懲戒權、解僱權適法性二議題,我國學術文章上雖有進行豐富的討論,然而卻未見將二者相結合者,亦即尚未有專門處理以性騷擾作為勞動關係中懲戒事由之實務判決研究。 而由於現今社會對於性騷擾行為已逐漸趨向不再隱忍之氛圍,因此對於性騷擾加害人,除得藉由公權力對其進行處罰外,法規上亦規定私部門事業單位應給予性騷擾加害人適當之懲戒,以預防及杜絕性騷擾之再發生。然而,囿於性騷擾判斷具抽象性,且雇主時常為防止自身遭受法規範之處罰,容易於未經查證且未衡量性騷擾行為輕重,或未評估特定懲戒手段即可避免類似情事再發生之情形下,即以嚴重程度最高之手段,懲戒解僱性騷擾行為人,以至於產生懲戒、懲戒解僱不合法之勞資糾紛。 因此,本文之目的,即希望從實務判決出發,嘗試依法院判決內容進行分析,包括司法審查原則如何運用於性騷擾懲戒處分、懲戒解僱之案例中、法院認定性騷擾之各項要素及不同性騷擾類型之特色等,並說明法院於判斷雇主懲戒處分、懲戒解僱適法性時,其判斷模式及參考要素。


Although there are numerous respective discussions on employees’ sexual harassment conducts and employers’ right to take disciplinary measures in Taiwan academia, it is barely no case studies or researches on how employees’ sexual harassment conducts is being used as the cause of disciplinary measures. Since the tendency of zero tolerance toward sexual harassment gradually evolved in modern society,the authorities begins to take proactive measures to curb the occurrence of such misconducts, including imposing administrative or criminal liabilities on the wrong doers directly or authorizing and requesting private enterprise to take reasonable disciplinary measures on the wrong doers.Nevertheless, due to the vagueness and ambiguity of judging sexual harassment and the employers’ own administrative liability of not taking reasonable disciplinary measures upon the authorities’ request, the employers tended to take the most serious disciplinary measures on the wrong doers once sexual harassments occured without properly investigating the case facts or balancing the seriousness of the misconducts and the outcome of the disciplinary measures. Under this circumstances, labor disputes regarding illegal disciplinary measures inevitably occur. Therefore, the main purpose of this thesis is to collect relevant cases on how principles of judicial review are applied when sexual harassments are being used as the cause of disciplinary measures. This thesis not only analyze the standards the court adopted in judging sexual harassments but also divided employers’ disciplinary measure into two categories: disciplinary dismissal and disciplinary measures other than disciplinary dismissal so as to discuss and induct the principles that the courts actually take into consideration in deciding the legality of the employer’s disciplinary measures.


