  • 學位論文


A Linguistic and Sociolinguistic Analysis of Chinese/Japanese Code-switching: Evidence from Advanced Japanese Learners of Chinese

指導教授 : 劉德馨


關於雙語者的「語碼轉換(code-switching)」現象,目前為止學界已針對多種語言進行研究。然而,漢語-日語之語碼轉換研究仍嫌不足,尤其是第二語言學習者的相關研究。為了補足此項缺口,本研究以日籍漢語學習者為對象,從語言學及社會語言學兩層面分析他們的語碼轉換現象。本文所蒐集的語料皆來自筆者與六位日籍漢語學習者以漢語所進行的個別談話。 在語言學層次上,筆者依據語碼轉換所發生的單位,參考先行研究後,將語料歸納為三大類型:句中語碼轉換、句間語碼轉換、附加語碼轉換,並聚焦於語碼轉換句子的結構及其形成歷程。本文所蒐集的語料,從結構單純到結構較複雜之語碼轉換句子均有出現,其結構類型多種多樣。然而,所有的語碼轉換句子,均能以漢語或日語的語法規則說明其結構。其中,筆者認為最值得討論的是,反映日語特徵的語碼轉換句子。具體而言,首先可舉出「漢語『形容詞』+日語形容動詞的後詞綴『な』」、「漢語『動詞』+日語動詞『する』」的使用。這些均反應日語構詞及句法的特徵。此外,「混合句」的使用也是漢語-日語雙語者常常出現的句型結構。由於漢語和日語語序不同,受試者講完漢語動詞後,又將日語動詞加在句末,形成雙動詞。值得一提的是,筆者還觀察到受試者直接將某些日語漢字以漢語發音唸出的現象。不同於其他以拼音文字書寫的語言,此類語碼轉換係因漢語-日語間具有共同文字「漢字」才產生。 在社會語言學層次上,筆者梳理受試者為何使用語碼轉換,歸納日籍漢語學習者使用語碼轉換的動機。除了前人所提出的語碼轉換使用動機項目外,筆者還歸納出三種新項目:「簡便溝通」、「自言自語」、「脫離現有語境」。以使用動機「代稱」為例,語言是文化的載體,某些特定的文化概念在另一個文化缺乏對等的詞彙,因此,擁有兩種文化知識的雙語者透過語碼轉換,除了表達自我文化歸屬,並與另一個文化對話與互動。


Numerous studies have been conducted to understand the mechanism of code-switching by bilinguals of various languages over the past three decades. However, few studies have been conducted to untie the phenomenon of code-switching by Japanese learners of Mandarin Chinese. To remedy this research gap, the current research aims at examining the mechanism of code-switching by advanced Japanese learners of Mandarin and investigating their language behavior from both linguistic and socio-linguistic perspectives. The data examined in this thesis were collected through one-to-one conversations conducted in Chinese between the author and six Japanese learners of Chinese. From the perspective of linguistics, the data of code-switching can be classified into three categories - 1. intra-sentential switching, 2. inter-sentential switching, 3.tag switching. While some code-switching sentences exhibited simple structures and others showed complex structures, all code-switching sentences could be explained by the syntactic structure of either Chinese or Japanese. Three characteristics could be summarized. Firstly, the use of “Chinese adjective + Japanese na-adjective suffix’-na’” and that of “Chinese verb + Japanese verb’-suru’” were observed in the data. Both of these structures reflected the characteristics of Japanese morphological and syntactic rules. Secondly, due to the syntactic divergence between Chinese and Japanese, the use of “portmanteau sentence”, i.e. a double-verb sentence, was also found in the corpus. Lastly, when the participants didn’t know how to describe something in Chinese, they tried to pronounce Japanese kanji words with the pronunciation of Chinese characters. This could be explained by the fact that Chinese and Japanese share a great many kanji characters, which results in this linguistic behavior. From a sociolinguistic perspective, our corpus revealed three new points which could explain the underlying motivation of code-switching observed in the data - 1. speedy communication, 2. soliloquy, 3. detach from current context. To sum up, language is the carrier of culture, and some specific concepts have no corresponding vocabulary in another culture. Consequently, code-switching, an essential tool to achieve an efficient communication, is in nature an intercultural activity.


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