  • 學位論文


Chemical Composition and Bioactivities of Leaf Essential Oil of Cinnamomum osmophloeum ct. Linalool

指導教授 : 張惠婷


本研究主要進行伽羅木醇型土肉桂葉子精油的化學組成分析與生物活性評估,經由 GC-MS 分析確定伽羅木醇型土肉桂葉子精油的主要成分為 Linalool,佔了總成分的 93.2%。在小鼠的強迫游泳試驗中,顯示伽羅木醇型土肉桂葉子精油在 400 mg/kg 時具有良好之抗憂鬱活性的效果。在 GMC101 基因轉殖秀麗隱桿線蟲的麻痺試驗中,線蟲在 25℃ 環境中 48 hr 後,可以觀察到伽羅木醇型土肉桂葉子精油在濃度 100 μg/mL、200 μg/mL與 400 μg/mL時能夠有效降低線蟲的麻痺率,而在72 hr 後,伽羅木醇型土肉桂葉子精油濃度在 200 μg /mL與 400 μg /mL亦有降低線蟲麻痺率的效果。綜合上述結果顯示,伽羅木醇型土肉桂葉子精油具有抗憂鬱活性與抗阿茲海默症效果,值得後續進一步的研究與開發應用。


The purposes of the study were to analysize the chemical composition of the leaf essential oil of Cinnamomum osmophloeum ct. linalool, and evaluate the bioactivities of leaf essential oil. The main component of the leaf essential oil of C. osmophloeum ct. linalool was confirmed by GC-MS analysis; the leaf essential oil is rich in linalool (93.2%). Results revealed that the leaf essential oil of C. osmophloeum ct. linalool had the good antidepressant activity in the forced swimming test in mice at the concentration of 400 μg/ml. In the paralysis assay, the leaf essential oil can reduce the paralysis rate of Caenorhabditis elegans transgenic strain GMC101 at the concentrations of 100 μg/ml, 200 μg/ml and 400 μg/ml after 25℃ and 48 hr of paralysis test. The leaf essential oil can also reduce the paralysis rate of C. elegans transgenic strain GMC101 at the concentrations of 200 μg/ml and 400 μg/ml after 72-hr paralysis test. According to the results, the leaf essential oil of C. osmophloeum ct. linalool has the antidepressant activity and the anti-Alzheimer's effect, and it is worthy of further research and exploitation.


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